I wanted to make you aware and invite you to participate in the vision and in the discussions at the Jerusalem Council.
The Jerusalem Council
Discuss Messianic apologetics, torot, mishpatim, midrashim, scriptures, and halakha with the global Body of Messiah at this central discussion board and chat room for believers worldwide!
Feel free to check us out! Below is our vision and purpose:
The Vision
The vision of the Jerusalem Council project is to bring into one online community the scattered and divided faithful remnant of Israel - the believers of Yeshua (Jesus) on the earth today - in order to provide them a central place with which to engage one another in discussion, dialogue, and debate on the issues that unite and divide them, and to edify one another in walking out their faith in the Messiah through unconditional love as modeled by the Messiah, and expected of his followers.
Our vision also includes the hope of re-appointing a beit din for Messianic believers worldwide, to be called the Jerusalem Council, or Beit HaDin HaYerushalmi, modeled after the original, and submitted to the new Jewish Sanhedrin in issues that do not contradict obedient faith to Messiah Yeshua or his teachings; to provide guidance in issues that may conflict with the Sanhedrin, or in issues that contradict the primacy of the written Word of God, or in issues which may divide the Body of Messiah; to promote the unity of the Body of Messiah worldwide by Spirit-led direction through means of accountability, open dialogue, reasoned doctrine, and sound leadership; and to provide corporate and individual edification by providing apologetic, midrashic, and halakhic guidance for the Body of Messiah.
Our Purpose
The purpose of the Jerusalem Council is to promote the unity of the global Body of Messiah through reasoned justice (rulings), abundant mercy (humble servant-leadership), and faithfulness (to the Messiah and His Ways), in Truth and Love, by providing a central place for Messianic believers worldwide to discuss scripture, traditions, issues, and other topics that face us, and through such dialogue provide a means for midrashic (apologetic), and halakhic (discipleship) guidance so that our lifestyle and theology may be of one accord with the bible (Torah - Law, Netuvim - Prophets, Ketuvim - Writings, and the Sh'liac Ketuvim - Apostolic Writings), and with one another - so that the Body of Messiah may be unified and made ready for the return of King Messiah Yeshua.
The site is all about promoting the unity of the faith, without compromising the truth of HaShem's Torah! Please visit and share with others. We online Messianics are a very very scattered bunch, and we do better in promoting the truth, and promoting our communities when we come together in greater numbers. JerusalemCouncil.org is provided as a site to do just that! Come check it out!
I wanted to make you aware and invite you to participate in the vision and in the discussions at the Jerusalem Council.
The Jerusalem Council
Discuss Messianic apologetics, torot, mishpatim, midrashim, scriptures, and halakha with the global Body of Messiah at this central discussion board and chat room for believers worldwide!
Feel free to check us out! Below is our vision and purpose:
The Vision
The vision of the Jerusalem Council project is to bring into one online community the scattered and divided faithful remnant of Israel - the believers of Yeshua (Jesus) on the earth today - in order to provide them a central place with which to engage one another in discussion, dialogue, and debate on the issues that unite and divide them, and to edify one another in walking out their faith in the Messiah through unconditional love as modeled by the Messiah, and expected of his followers.
Our vision also includes the hope of re-appointing a beit din for Messianic believers worldwide, to be called the Jerusalem Council, or Beit HaDin HaYerushalmi, modeled after the original, and submitted to the new Jewish Sanhedrin in issues that do not contradict obedient faith to Messiah Yeshua or his teachings; to provide guidance in issues that may conflict with the Sanhedrin, or in issues that contradict the primacy of the written Word of God, or in issues which may divide the Body of Messiah; to promote the unity of the Body of Messiah worldwide by Spirit-led direction through means of accountability, open dialogue, reasoned doctrine, and sound leadership; and to provide corporate and individual edification by providing apologetic, midrashic, and halakhic guidance for the Body of Messiah.
Our Purpose
The purpose of the Jerusalem Council is to promote the unity of the global Body of Messiah through reasoned justice (rulings), abundant mercy (humble servant-leadership), and faithfulness (to the Messiah and His Ways), in Truth and Love, by providing a central place for Messianic believers worldwide to discuss scripture, traditions, issues, and other topics that face us, and through such dialogue provide a means for midrashic (apologetic), and halakhic (discipleship) guidance so that our lifestyle and theology may be of one accord with the bible (Torah - Law, Netuvim - Prophets, Ketuvim - Writings, and the Sh'liac Ketuvim - Apostolic Writings), and with one another - so that the Body of Messiah may be unified and made ready for the return of King Messiah Yeshua.
The site is all about promoting the unity of the faith, without compromising the truth of HaShem's Torah! Please visit and share with others. We online Messianics are a very very scattered bunch, and we do better in promoting the truth, and promoting our communities when we come together in greater numbers. JerusalemCouncil.org is provided as a site to do just that! Come check it out!