Judah is the heavenly court room. In the court of Judah the spirits are all put on trial by the son of man. Over the course of the past two millennial days the lawless ones have been allowed to give their witness. Now in these days, the faithful and true witness takes the stand. Immediately a precedence is established. All that testify without the mystery of the oath in hand are giving a false report. Whatever mouth speaks beyond what has been written by their hand of faith is untrue. The faithful and true witness abides in the measures the father's have written and now writes also.Truth is the Word of the oath in hand and every mouth must make confession within it's measures. This is the first law in the trial of Judah.
Blessed be the staff of Judah in this great heavenly trial.
Malachiah James
Blessed be the staff of Judah in this great heavenly trial.
Malachiah James