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  • #31
    Greetings Japheth,

    Thank you for your kind Word. My little posts are merely the gold flecks I've managed to gather as I search out the bones of Joseph, both in Genesis, in Ezekiel, in you, and unto the ends of the earth. And this in order that my prayer, while in Jerusalem, might find you out (and all Israel) and return to your hand the Oath that is yours. For the advantage of the Jew is much in every way, for to you first were the Oracles of God entrusted.

    Great is the mystery of God's choosing Abram out from among the nations and making him Abraham. Greater still is the holy opportunity, I see, to bow to that choosing, knowing the open heavens of Jacob's ladder is precious portion now being revealed.

    I ponder the Word branching afresh in the hand of Israel in real time measures of faith to which the environment responds. It is at this spot I am bowed before you, seeing the great portion that is yours in your fathers. Bless you and all who are yours.



    • #32
      By the way Michael, it is not a christian invention to label the Jews as a race of people... no you can blame the Jews for that one. They did that quite some time before christiainty began.

      I agree that antisemitic rhetoric in christianity is to blame for Hitler's elimination of the Jewish race. I plan to start a thread entirely dedicated to that idea in the near future. However, what you have done is just as bad theologically as Hitler, you have elimated the Jews in a way that is irreparable.

      food for thought...

      Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

      "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165


      • #33

        It excites me to see you, among others here, finding that place that HaShem has created!!!

        I tell you this:
        There truly is a special calling for the righteous goy!!!

        It is incredible to see the Goyim searching out the mysteries of Torah, HaShem, and the true spirit of HaMoshiach.

        I bless you.
        Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

        "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165


        • #34

          For some years I have enjoyed the portion in 2chronicles 6: 32. It is a mirror image to 1Kings 8.

          If I remember correctly, in one portion Solomon seems to stand in the Brass altar. In the other portion he seems to kneel in it. In both (related to your quote) he is invoking God concerning gentiles who come for a particular purpose, during the dedication of the temple.

          Some time ago I was exploring in those portions of scripture with some companions in the faith when we saw these portions being reflected in Revelation wherein the son of man is standing in the midst of the seven golden lampstands with feet as burnished brass.

          I saw it, in one sense, as Solomon's being brought as a sign to appear there, bringing that which he prayed while in/before the altar at the dedication to a touchpoint between Jew and Gentile. I saw this as holy portion uniting Jew and Gentile in a particular way. And, I also saw it as a particular link to the image of gentile dominion. Yet at the same time, I see there is more is involved and thus I wait, pondering.

          I believe Japheth invoked Yochanan's writing of that book, Revelation, thus I bow into his invoking and stand there with him. Thank you Japheth for giving me another place to stand. I will holily handle it.

          Michael, to merely pluck out 1Chronicles 6:32 without caring for the context is grave error.



          • #35
            New blood!

            ...Yochanan7, you must understand a certain order of possibilities as existing. Of two collections of writings, the NT and the tanakh, the NT is allowed to comment on the book that already exists. But the tanakh is not in the same place in its possibilities. Then writers of the NT can even include parts of the tanakh in the NT and address them to another use than their author's of the tanakh intended them. The NT can make commentary on the tanakh, and does {with great error}, but the tanakh cannot comment on the intent of the NT's authors.

            ...I hope that you are not putting fourth the idea that the JEWish people are to be maintained as a blood race of peoples. There are many verses of text that require strangers to live in the same law as Israel.



            19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or born in the land Ex. 12: 19

            10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of YHWH thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: Ex. 20: 10

            34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am YHWH your God. Lev. 19: 34

            16 And he that blasphemeth the name of YHWH, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of YHWH, shall be put to death. Lev. 24: 16

            35 And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him: yea, though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee. Lev. 25: 35

            15 One ordinance shall be both for you of the congregation, and also for the stranger that sojourneth with you, an ordinance for ever in your generations: as ye are, so shall the stranger be before YHWH.

            16 One law and one manner shall be for you, and for the stranger that sojourneth with you. Nu. 15: 15, 16

            30 But the soul that doeth ought presumptuously, whether he be born in the land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth YHWH; and that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Nu. 15: 30

            ...The stranger is not an Israelite. He is one who chooses to be a part of the people. He is given the same laws and the same penalties as the rest of the people. No attempt is made here to create a blood race of people. New genes are allowed to mingle. The laws are different for Levites and Priests. But then, it is for all other people of any other tribe, whether stranger or not.

            ...Again, the JEWish people are not a "race" of people.



            • #36
              king and priest

              The nations are made by God to be Kings. Yahweh is hosted in the nations. He is hidden there desiring to be sought out and glorified. This cannot be realized without a priest that can bring the nations into covenant relationship with one another. For this priestly service Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were separated.

              Without the priest functioning properly in the name on the ground chosen the nations cannot see Yahweh in one another. His glory is hidden from them and they thus devour one another in confusion.

              Israel is called out of the kingly nations to be the priest. When the priest are in function in Jerusalem the land will have opened it's holiness. Year to year the nations will come up and through Israel will see Yahweh in His glory in each one of them. Then they will honor Him and one another according to each ones portion. Israel is the priest and through holy service will take the nations upon them as a royal garment. A royal priesthood shall Israel be then.

              To not see the difference between the kings(nations) and the priest(Israel) is like not seeing the difference between male and female. The female is the covenant ground between father and son. Israel has been separated from the nations for this glory. Israel has been dealt with and shall be in order to cleft the heart as the female is cleft.

              Truly it is a perverted spirit that seeks to destroy the blood line of Israel and join them to to nations in fornication without discernment. Without a separated and holy Israel none of the nations can be saved. Without Israel covenant ground cannot be found. The doctrine that "Michael" presents is of a spirit but it is not that of the Angel Michael who is the prince of my people Israel.

              The Holy racist
              Malachiah James


              • #37
                Something about holy racists.

                ...Malachiah, why do you lie to yourself that easily, or is it that I just don't understand you? So you believe that only JEWish blood is to enter this people? {racist doctrine} The wives of this JEWish blood, when not connected to this people, {we have a name for them} but having married JEWish men, adds nothing to them in genitic makeup? A holy racist is still a racist. If a ger {convert} has children by his {JEWish wife?}, are the children JEWs? Whom do we add, and whom do we not? And what hope have you of being exceptable to us by your own faith? Are you genitically deficient? Please clarify your racist faith.



                • #38
                  My faith

                  My faith is the Holy Word entrsuted to my hand as a result of being called out of all the nations into the heavenly bride of Israel. My faith is that which is the order of Melchisedec and blesses the sons of Abraham with bread and wine so that the nations might be saved in him.

                  You can call me whatever you like. Whatever is Holy is of God!

                  "And what hope have you of being exceptable to us by your own faith? Are you genitically deficient? " Michael.

                  Us who? Do you think that you are part of an us that I need to be accepted by? You are now conducting yourself as the accuser of brothers and not as Michael. If you were a Jew, I might be tolerable to your ways, but by your own writing you have shown that you are not. The only thing of you that you have given me to truly answer to is your name Michael and I have and do that perfectly.

                  Malachiah James


                  • #39
                    Being of a different faith.

                    Malachiah writes;

                    Us who? Do you think that you are part of an us that I need to be accepted by? You are now conducting yourself as the accuser of brothers and not as Michael. If you were a Jew, I might be tolerable to your ways, but by your own writing you have shown that you are not.

                    ...Us who?, --> Us JEWs! So you cannot concieve of a JEWish convert in your racist faith? {but christian converts are easy for you to believe in?} What is an exceptable addition to the JEWish people in your mind? {I speak of Judiasm and not anything christian, which I am not} Understand, we JEWs are not christians in faith. One from a JEWish family can choose to become a christian, but they would not be considered a JEW by faith then. We use our prayer books {siddur'im} far more than we usually do the tanakh. Of course there are many great Yashiva where the torah and the talmud are studied. But most JEWs do not feel called to such study. I brought some knowledge with me, and a desire to read the tanakh from my three year participation with christianity in the middle sixties, to my faith. I assumed that you wanted a connection to the JEWish people. I see now that you are so christian that you could never be a part of the JEWish people. How do I accuse the JEWish people of anything as you charge me? You obviously have no idea of the faith that I defend. You should have used the web address that I e-mailed you and learned about me on the forum that I prefer using. You were given the chance to be informed of the concepts that I teach concerning JEWish righteousness, but left yourself nieve. Everyone at the other forum knows that I am a convert. So was Maimonides, a great JEWish sage. Would you slander him and question his JEWishness as you do mine?



                    • #40

                      I bring two issues:

                      ISSUE #1:

                      I haven't seen anyone skirt an issue like you in quite a while. It is almost humorous.

                      The one thing I have granted you is what you continue to argue.

                      I granted that there may be converts to Judaism.

                      I have not, nor will I, argue the idea of converting to Judaism. Nore will I argue the idea and validity of one who converts to Judaism. If we are to get quite specific, one who converts to Judaism is halachically, according to the Beit Din not of the Jewish race until the second generation of converts. In otherwords, your children would be considered Jewish by race, and not you... at least according to Halacha, and our Sages.

                      However, what I am arguing is what you continue to avoid speaking about.

                      You deny the blood of an Israelite. You deny the blood of a Jew. You say that genes do not matter. You say that blood means nothing.

                      Now, stop skirting the issue and deal with the topic directly.

                      You have denied those born of Jewish identiy their race as a people... something Hitler tried to accomplish physically you have demonstrated theologically.

                      Who is the racist???

                      No one here is attacking the Jews as a race.... no one except you.

                      ISSUE #2:

                      You claim to be Jewish, yet you do not adhere to Judaism. You deny the Jewish race of people... a very un-jewish idea. You have a weird idea of the name of G-d... a very un-jewish idea. These among many other things.

                      What you have is not Judaism, but rather Thummimism. You have created your own religion.

                      Now, whether you are right or wrong can be discussed.

                      Fine, we will discuss the name of G-d.
                      Fine, we will discuss the Jewish people as a race.

                      BUT!!!! Do not disguise your religion as Judaism, for you present anti-Judaism. The things you present are your own religious ideas and not Jewish ideas. So please don't disguise yourself any longer claiming that you are Jewish. That is a bold faced lie.

                      You are adhering to the religion of Thummimism.

                      In fact, you have not converted. In fact, you are not of the Jewish race, according to bloodlines. In fact, your ideas are not in accordance with Jewish theology.

                      Thus, you are not presenting Judaism, nor are you Jewish. No, your religion and what you present is Thummimism.

                      However, I grant you this...
                      we can discuss whether Thummimism is incorrect or is the truth.

                      But we can not try to label it Judaism, for it is very contradictory.

                      plain and simple,
                      Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

                      "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165


                      • #41
                        The Holy Race

                        God is Spirit. He has created with desire. His desire is to become man and dwell in His creation as one of the creatures. For this purpose man is made. Adam is the door in which God enters the race for glory. The races of man are the lanes that God runs in to reach glory.

                        As the race began two lanes came out of Adam. One is the way of Cain and the other is the way of Abel. If you enter the lane of Cain you shall fail in the race before you reach the point of "second wind" at Noah. The way of Cain is bold to offer religious sacrifices to God but has no value in that which God desires. God desires that man come to Him in a sacrifice of blood. The way of Cain is an offering out of natural goodness. The way of Abel is that of a shepherd of sheep with the desired blood. The lane of the race of Cain is without desired blood but will be quick to shed his brother’s blood. The way of Cain is without the hearing of the gospel Yahweh preached to Adam and Eve when He clothed them in skins. The way of Abel has the ground of understanding. One path is darkness, the other is light. In the path of darkness good works of toil of the ground is offering to Yahweh Elohim. In the path of light the blood speaks. In Cain’s line blood is meaningless, in Abel’s blood is everything!

                        These two lines go out from Adam and come to Noah. At Noah Cain’s line becomes cut off, but Abel’s line crosses the flood to a new world. In Abel’s line the path goes to the heavens in the seventh from Adam – Enoch. There the son of man commands the holy angels by the scepter of pen in hand. The scribe of righteousness takes up the angels in hand through the revelation of Sabbath. Then from the heavens the course runs to Enoch’s grandson – Noah. In Noah a rest is gained. A second wind in the great race. Out from Adam came two lanes but one was to destruction while only the one of Abel goes to the goal of glory. Noah crosses the flood by measures of the sevening of the oath. He comes into a new world as the new man. Noah has learned something that Adam had lost but that which was lost is still in Noah and more purification must go on.

                        The race must continue. In the two man race Abel simply outran Cain. Cain went off course and could not arrive in the rest. Abel entered the way of death and his line (replaced in Seth) ran the way of resurrection. A natural lane and a resurrection lane. One with blood and one without. The fall of Adam was the first flag. The second flag is the fall of Noah. Adam listened to the voice of the mouth instead of discovering the holiness in hand upon the tree of life. He took the road of the knowledge of good and evil instead of the road of life. In Noah eight (he and seven) have crossed. In a new land his three sons would be sown. He drank of the wine and became drunken even as Adam had become drunken on the mouth.

                        Out from Noah go forth three lines in the great and holy race. These three lines are source of all the races on earth. There is the line of Shem, which includes Syria and Iraq, for example. There is the line of Ham, which includes Egypt and Ethiopia. There is the line of Japheth, which includes Iran, Germany. All the nations have branched out of these three sons of Noah. All the races run in these three lines. Righteous racing is found in keeping within the bounds God has set for the race.

                        God is running in each one of the races and he is running to glory as the prize. He is going to bring many nations into that glory and He is going to enter it in them.

                        As the great runner Paul has written - "Many run but only one obtains the prize." For the oneness of all the runners, and the races coming in the nations, the Spirit took Abraham by the hand and separated him from the kingly races into the priestly race. The holy work of Yahweh Elohim makes Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob into a priestly race. At the end of that race is the glory. And so the nations run their race and Israel runs another race, the race of the called-out. All the dealings upon the Jews are in the course of the priestly race which must bring the nations to their respective portions in the glory. To mix or attempt or conspire to remove the holy separation of the called-out race is to lose the race in your race. You must bless them in your race in order for your race to arrive in glory!

                        In the priestly lane Israel becomes the new Adam. He came into a new land and brought the land to rest. But eventually he also would fall for a season as had Adam and Noah. This to open yet an even more holy lane in the great race. Adam needed Abel’s lane; Abel’s lane needed Noah’s lane. Noah’s lane needs Abraham’s lane. And Abraham’s lane needs the lane of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. The heavenly way. For this Israel also fell for a time. Solomon took wives of the nations and they led him to serve their gods and Babylon is the result. Today Israel is scattered into Babylon, because of the breeches of covenant in the days of Solomon. For this the church is called out of Israel into the heavens. The race takes a heavenly course and comes down on Israel in Jerusalem as the very glory of the holy race which saves the nations in their races.

                        So, let us run!

                        Blessed be the races!

                        Malachiah James


                        • #42
                          Something that's been bothering me...

                          Thummim stated:
                          "So you cannot concieve of a JEWish convert in your racist faith?"

                          This has bothered me since I read it.

                          Michael, you are not a convert. Do not pose in sheep's clothing claiming to be so.

                          Do you want to talk about conversion???

                          Talk to Hyssop.

                          He has seen the anguish, trials, and heartache of conversion, yet though he went through the entire process of formal orthodox conversion, he was denied in the end merely because of his claim to a particular messiah.


                          You? a convert?

                          Merely saying, "Hi, My name is Michael and I'm a Jew" does not comprise of conversion.

                          Hyssop has been honorable. He has not tried to deceive on the "blind" internet. He has spoken the truth, not deceptively claiming to be Jewish.

                          No, he has been more than honorable.

                          He has taken up his calling as a righteous gentile. He has taken up his calling as a Tzaddik!!!

                          and with joy he does this.

                          Thus we have been blessed with the website:

                          Will you be honorable?
                          Or will you continue in dishonorable ways?

                          The choice is your friend.

                          Choose wisely.

                          But we will not be decieved. We see through your sheepskin.
                          It is time to act honorably.

                          Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

                          "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165


                          • #43
                            Actually, Michael,

                            I am.

                            Also, I am absolutely convinced there is a particular order in the universe and on the earth. I am also convinced that your fathers are not of the chosen out seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Israel according to flesh.

                            Thus I see there is of necessity a lane change in order!! 8-).

                            Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we serve Israel, corporate Christ, who is the enlargement of the sacrifice that has gone before. Have you not read where the bride descends? To where and to whom does she descend? And if she is in a meeting in the air with "the Lord" that means she is descending to someone else. Care to venture a guess as to whom this might be? (hint: "Where" may be of help here)

                            I stand by my earlier warning to you concerning not twisting the context of the writings in order to fit an alternate preconceived notion.


                            • #44

                              My heart and head are bowed under and into the blessing for me found in your hand. Bless you. May the living oracle branch afresh in your hand as our journey on the earth continues.

                              It is at the shedding of blood that Moses flees Egypt. He then spends 40 years tending the sheep of his wife's father. It is at that time, while on the backside of the mountain that he receives THE question of questions. ...Hey, Moses, what's that in your hand??? That question takes up the matter of the hand stretching forth to the tree of life in Genesis. Enoch THE SCRIBE found translation at hand. Abraham was lead about by the oracle branching in his hand. At the Red sea, when the children of Israel were trapped between the water and Pharoah's army, a particular word came to Moses...."what are you crying to me for?? Tell the people to go forward. But, as for you, lift up your rod, stretch forth your hand over the waters and divide it: and the children of Israel will go on dry ground through the midst of the waters." ("These are the names" 14:15-16)

                              One question.

                              What's that in your hand? 8-)

                              I do marvel at the wonder of a Jew coming in the name of Japheth.

                              A name is the garment in which we walk all our days and is the first gift we receive when our feet touch the earth. The names of they before whom we appear are stepping-stones of new pathway into the heart of the Father of us all. It seems you have been blessed with an early adorning of Japheth.

                              May you and all who are yours be greatly blessed in the adorning of the Name,


                              • #45
                                Along racial lines.

                                Just the Neat Insight Behind the Scriptures. The Things that make them Magical.

                                ...Judiasm is not about worshipping "Jesus". Lets not confuse christianity with "Judiasm". When you tell a rabbi that you worship "Jesus", you have told him that you are a christian. That is what Hyssop is. That is what simchat_torah is. I do not worship "Jesus". I read from my siddur as the primary book of use in my faith. This prayer book is the central book of my faith {as exercised} by me. While there are Yeshiva full of students reading torah, talmud, mishnah etc., the siddur is the book used by most {layman} JEWs. There are many versions of these prayer books. Reading the tanakh is a sideline of mine. The Tacoma "temple beth' El" in my area that you may have seen on television with several bullet holes in it {old pictures}, made by the beltway snipers, services the JEWish people in our area. {multi-congregational *orthodox, conservative and reform* use} . These snipers believe in a JEWish race. These racists do not mind killing anyone who looks like a JEW. {all their targets could pass as JEWs}. I can only concede a JEWish race, if you can concede of an American race. But calling the American people a race of people would be a misuse of the term. Is there really a hebrew word for "race" in the tanakh? The closest I can come to a word for "race" in hebrew, is "geza" which means "cut off". It wouldn't exactly qualify as a duplicate in the meaning of the word. Granted, the JEWish people do not look for converts to our faith, but there are yet many who do. {change faiths to Judaism}

                                The non-racial face of YaHudaH as seen through the faces of JEWish children.

                                Last edited by Thummim; 11-10-2002, 12:42 PM.

