simchat_torah writes;
You deny the blood of an Israelite. You deny the blood of a Jew. You say that genes do not matter. You say that blood means nothing.
...Do I denigh the blood of those who are Israeli and JEWish? What I denigh is that {Israeli/JEWish} blood is racial, that is different from the blood of others. In case we are not talking about the same thing when we say race, I want to start by giving the {3rd} definition of "race" as written up in Websters New Collegiate Dictionary.
(3) race n [MF, generation, fr OLt razza] 1, a breeding stock of animals 2a, a family, tribe, people or nation belonging to the same stock b a class or kind of people unified by community of interests habits or characteristics <the English~> 3a an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species; also : a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a group b : BREED c : a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by decent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type 4 : obs : inherited temperment or disposition 5 : distincttive flavor, taste or strength
...Now when I speak of (race}, I am interested in teaching people that being JEWish isn't being of different genes than anyone else is who is non JEWish. Your concession to converts, when added to the influx of genes that come through intermarriage, should soften the pointing finger at JEWs on racial grounds. {that is my whole purpose in maintaining my argument}. I do not denigh that JEWs and Israeli's are distinct groups of people. I denigh that they are distinct blood types built upon genetic distinction.
...I am not by myself in wanting to convey to the world's population, that the JEWish people are not a genetic "race" of people. There are many things that link this people together, but "inbreeding" is not one of them. The JEWish people are genetically diverse.
...Now how do I skirt the issue of racism and the idea of a JEWish "race"? It seems to me that I'm being absolutely clear. I think that we blur the distinction between family and race. One can be of a JEWish family and be a christian. {in faith}, and one can also be a JEW {in faith}. Judaism and christianity are different faiths, no matter how related they might seem to be to some. I wear kipah, keep shabbot, have JEWish chag as opposed to anything christian for my holidays. My interests are JEWish. That I believe that the name representing GD's name, {YHWH} are four of the five letters of the name of YaHudaH, comes through my own research of the tanakh. Yes I believe that all JEWs bear the name of their Eloheem through the tribe of David. The 12th chapter and fifth verse of Deut. {Debar'im 12: 5} make a sufficient foundation to pursue such an idea from.
5 But unto the place {Jerusalem} which YHWH your God shall choose out of all your tribes {YaHudaH} to put his name {YHWH} there, even unto his habitation shall ye seek, and thither thou shalt come:
...I am allowed to draw my own conclusions from the text, as even you are. It may be Thummimism as you say, to believe in such a connection to the tribe of Judah, but I firmly believe that the author of the torah believed as I do, and created a name for the line of "Shem".
You deny the blood of an Israelite. You deny the blood of a Jew. You say that genes do not matter. You say that blood means nothing.
...Do I denigh the blood of those who are Israeli and JEWish? What I denigh is that {Israeli/JEWish} blood is racial, that is different from the blood of others. In case we are not talking about the same thing when we say race, I want to start by giving the {3rd} definition of "race" as written up in Websters New Collegiate Dictionary.
(3) race n [MF, generation, fr OLt razza] 1, a breeding stock of animals 2a, a family, tribe, people or nation belonging to the same stock b a class or kind of people unified by community of interests habits or characteristics <the English~> 3a an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species; also : a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a group b : BREED c : a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by decent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type 4 : obs : inherited temperment or disposition 5 : distincttive flavor, taste or strength
...Now when I speak of (race}, I am interested in teaching people that being JEWish isn't being of different genes than anyone else is who is non JEWish. Your concession to converts, when added to the influx of genes that come through intermarriage, should soften the pointing finger at JEWs on racial grounds. {that is my whole purpose in maintaining my argument}. I do not denigh that JEWs and Israeli's are distinct groups of people. I denigh that they are distinct blood types built upon genetic distinction.
...I am not by myself in wanting to convey to the world's population, that the JEWish people are not a genetic "race" of people. There are many things that link this people together, but "inbreeding" is not one of them. The JEWish people are genetically diverse.
...Now how do I skirt the issue of racism and the idea of a JEWish "race"? It seems to me that I'm being absolutely clear. I think that we blur the distinction between family and race. One can be of a JEWish family and be a christian. {in faith}, and one can also be a JEW {in faith}. Judaism and christianity are different faiths, no matter how related they might seem to be to some. I wear kipah, keep shabbot, have JEWish chag as opposed to anything christian for my holidays. My interests are JEWish. That I believe that the name representing GD's name, {YHWH} are four of the five letters of the name of YaHudaH, comes through my own research of the tanakh. Yes I believe that all JEWs bear the name of their Eloheem through the tribe of David. The 12th chapter and fifth verse of Deut. {Debar'im 12: 5} make a sufficient foundation to pursue such an idea from.
5 But unto the place {Jerusalem} which YHWH your God shall choose out of all your tribes {YaHudaH} to put his name {YHWH} there, even unto his habitation shall ye seek, and thither thou shalt come:
...I am allowed to draw my own conclusions from the text, as even you are. It may be Thummimism as you say, to believe in such a connection to the tribe of Judah, but I firmly believe that the author of the torah believed as I do, and created a name for the line of "Shem".