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  • Beards

    Shalom to you all,

    This is my first post, hello and shalom!

    I was wondering what are your thoughts with reference to Scripture, as to weather a beliver should support a beard or be clean shaven?

    Anyone care to comment?
    Thanks for your time.


  • #2

    Peace Yahuzadek,

    Welcome to the Tzaddikim forums! Sorry for the delay of comment. I have skimmed over this thread a few times, and in honesty was waiting for someone else to start up the coversation. This one simple question as we know will probally cover about 5 pages of threads in the end! Maybe so maybe not. Before we begin, may I ask where you heard of us? Just for curiousity sake. I am also probaly going to move this thread to the Torah section. As moderator, even though I am a goof I must play the role, and put everything where I believe it belongs.

    So anywho, let's begin.

    I do not feel that it is necessary that we wear a beard. I believe that Messiah gave the body the ability to 'bind' and 'loosen' what is sin. In the same sense, I do not believe it nessecary to 'stone' persons for certian iniquities.

    What say you?



    • #3
      We have only to look in Talmud to see various interpretations and rulings on just about every subject. Ultimately, I am of the opinion that I stand before G-D individually and should not do something that is contrary to my understanding and belief. That is not to say that I understand everything. I eat in accordance with Torah instruction, not understanding all of the whys or wherefores, but with a heart toward obedience. I certainly do not understand all the aspects of the sabbath, but I comply to the best of my ability.

      By the same token, I see fences around Torah, such as regard eating chicken and milk in the same meal, to which I disagree, but I make that decision, and "walk that walk" with fear and trembling.

      I wear tzitzit, and my thinking regarding tzitzit is along a similar vein with the question about beards.

      The commandment is to wear tzitzit on the four corners of your garment. However, the commandment is not to wear four-cornerd garments. So do we purposely wear four-cornered garments in order to fulfil the command to wear tzitzit, or do we wear tzitzit WHEN we wear four-cornered garments? With a beard, there is not a command that you are to have a beard, but that IF you have one, you must follow certain instructions. Then again, someone else might see a "beard" as the hair follicles on the face, not as a GROWTH of the hair that comes from the follicles.

      I do not believe that to KEEP the commandments means that we DO (or don't do) with perfection. When Moshiach teaches us, then we will KNOW. But to KEEP is to hold something dear, to hold it close, as a precious heirloom. If we perform mitzvot with a heart of humility, I believe that is what pleases G-d.


      • #4
        Shalom Searching,

        I`m sorry for the delay, I have had computer probs and lack of time of late to have had the opertunity to reply earlier.

        may I ask where you heard of us? Just for curiousity sake.

        I think it was through EliYah`s forum that I seen a link to this site.

        I do not feel that it is necessary that we wear a beard. I believe that Messiah gave the body the ability to 'bind' and 'loosen' what is sin. In the same sense, I do not believe it nessecary to 'stone' persons for certian iniquities.
        What say you?

        Well, my understanding of this is in line with a man named J. Cordaro, I think he brings out some interesting thoughts with Scripture on this issue, so I thought and due to being a slow typer I would post his reasonnings bellow.
        Just for the record; I do not agree with all that he says in other issues on his site although I will provide a link if you like.
        Anyhow, heres my views/his on this issue:

        by J. Cordaro

        Beards and Baldness

        It is a belief among many brethren in the faith that men should wear beards as did most Israelites throughout history. However, it is not considered mandatory to do so. The purpose of this study is to inform you of what the scriptures say concerning beards and to show that it is a law of Yahweh which should be obeyed.

        Let's begin by looking at the actual commandment in Lev. 19:26-28; "Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantment, nor observe times. Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard. Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am Yahweh."

        Notice that we continue to obey verses 26 and 28 even today. The question is, do we have to obey verse 27? As we read in Lev. 19:1,2, these commandments are for the children of Israel, of whom we are through Messiah. In verse 27 the KJV uses two words which do not help in clearly understanding this verse, "mar" and "corners". Unless you have a square head and a square beard you cannot have "corners". The Hebrew for "corners" is "peah" which means the "region or extremity" according to Strong's Concordance. A word study of such verses as Ex.36:25; Job 18:14,15; Nu.24:17; Ezek.41:12; and Lev.19:9 will reveal the correct meaning to be "border" or "the outline that forms the image". Referring to the above references; the peah or border of a building is its' walls; of the sea, its' coastline; of a country such as Moab, its' borders; of a field, its' borders; of the beard, the outline which forms the image. In other words, the hairline along the cheeks, lower neck, below the lower lip, etc. Goatees, mutton chops, Hitler moustaches and totally shaven faces are all forbidden by Yahweh. Incidentally, the Jewish practice of not cutting the sideburns is based on an erroneous understanding of this scripture.

        The word "mar" in Hebrew is "shachath" which means to decay or ruin. It was also translated "destroy, perish, cast off, corrupt and utterly waste". So what this commandment is really saying is, "Do not utterly destroy the borders of your beard." The only way to utterly destroy the beard is to remove the hair from your face. The most common way is by shaving which totally ruins and mars the beard. It creates baldness upon your skin and, as we will see later, baldness is associated with shame and defilement throughout scripture. Trimming the length of the beard is permitted because it does not create baldness. Instead, it adds to a man's handsomeness.

        To "round the corners of your head" would mean to create baldness around one's head, as certain people do, leaving only a cicular patch of hair on top.

        Lev.19:27 is among a long list of commandments extending to Lev.20:21. Verses 22-26 teach us to be sanctified from the unbelieving people around us. They tattoo their bodies, stretch their necks with metal rings, shave their heads bald or carve words and designs in their hair. This shows a total lack of reverence for their bodies. How much more should we reverence our bodies which are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

        A similar commandment is found in Lev.21:1-6. These verses pertain to the priests, Aaron and his sons. Believers today are said to be priests as well, so this commandment could spiritually apply to us. But even if it doesn't we can see Yahweh's feelings concerning creating baldness on ones head. Not only would the priest defile or profane himself but he would also profane the name of Yahweh (vs 6). It was holiness to a priest to remain unshaven.

        Only something holy can be profaned or defiled. Ezekiel talks about profaning the sanctuary and the Sabbath day. Both are holy and both can be defiled. Believers are also holy; in fact, we are a holy priesthood and our bodies are holy temples. If we eat pork we defile the temple of the Holy Spirit (Lev 11:44). If we create baldness on our head or face we defile the temple of Yahweh.

        Lev.21:16-23 tells us about the seed of Aaron that are blemished. Whenever something happens to a priest that alters the image that he was created with, he becomes blemished. That is why Yahweh told them not to create baldness on their head or face. They could not serve as priests until they were healed again.

        Most commentators apply the last chapters of Ezekiel to the millennial kingdom. Notice in Ezek.44:20 the priests are not permitted to shave but they are permitted to cut their hair so it doesn't grow too long. Yahweh does not want men's head hair to be too long and He doesn't want it or the beard to appear sloppy or unkempt. The Apostle Paul, in I Cor.11, says it is a shame for a man to have long hair. It was also a shame for a man to be bald or beardless. II Sam.10:4,5 recounts the time when King David's men had half their beards shaved off by their enemies causing great shame. But notice what David said to do. He didn't tell them to shave off the other half and return to Jerusalem. He told them to wait in Jericho until their beards grew back and then return.

        Some people try to use Gen.41:14 to prove that men could shave if they wanted to. The most logical way to understand this verse is that the Egyptians made Joseph shave when he met Pharaoh just as they made him change his clothing. If a man is kept in a dungeon for two years and then is brought quickly out to meet Pharaoh, he is not going to put on his best clothing because he undoubtedly doesn't have a change of good clothing. The Egyptians would have given him new clothes and they would have required him to clean up and shave. Almost all Egyptians had shaven heads and no beards.

        Acts 18:18 and 21;23-26 show that Paul shaved his head because he had taken a Nazarite vow which is spoken of in Nu. 6:1,13,18. Once the vow was fulfilled Paul's head was shaved and his hair burnt for a peace offering. Samson was under a Nazarite vow as well, through which his long hair gave him great strength until it was shaved off by Delilah. There were only three reasons Yahweh allowed for shaving ones head: 1) A Nazarite vow 2) Leprosy or infection on the head 3) death of a relative. Shaving for any other reason, including to make oneself more attractive, would defile the person and profane Yahweh's name.

        Yahweh spoke two interesting prophesies concerning baldness. In Is.3:16,17,24 baldness is spoken of as something negative and undesirable that Yahweh will bring upon the daughters of Zion because of their haughty attitude. Amos 8:9,10 shows that in the Day of Yahweh, He will cause baldness upon every head; in other words, shame and mourning.

        Many people have been misled by todays society into believing that a well shaved, smooth face is desirable and permissible when, in reality, it is against the law of Yahweh and defiles our temple. Yahweh created men to have beards and then commanded men to not destroy their beards. He desires men to maintain the same image that He created them with. He does not want us to look like Egyptians, Romans, Hindus, or the other nations around us.

        Even Yahshua the Messiah, who is our ultimate example, had a beard (Is.50:6). In their attempt to disrespect and shame Yahshua, his persecutors tore out the hair from his beard.

        There are certain commandments in the Old Testament which we no longer observe because they have been fulfilled in some way. However, concerning beards and baldness, there are no fulfillments. If we don't have to obey these commandments anymore, then when and why did they cease?

        Some brethren believe the law against shaving the beard was a cultural requirement for Israel alone. If that be the case, we could say the same for all the feast days and many other laws. The fact that Yahweh created men with beards, as a natural part of their body, shows that they are desired by Yahweh for all men, not just for Israelites. Since Galations 6:16 calls believers "the Israel of Yahweh", then we should be subject to the laws of Yahweh given to Israel.

        Others will say that not all men can grow beards, therefore they don't have to either. Not all believers can mark the beginning of Sabbath by the visual sunset, yet they must keep the Sabbath holy. Yahweh will not hold such a person accountable if he cannot grow a beard. Nor will He look away from a man who loses his hair naturally. However, the man who willfully shaves his beard or his head, aside from the scripturally permitted reasons, will be held accountable.

        The evidence is conclusively in favor of the continued observance of these commandments and I, for one, will never put a razor to my face again. What about you?


        I look forward to hearing your views in light of the above quote
        Thanks for your time,



        • #5
          Once again, Paul is misunderstood. If it was shameful for a man to have long hair, it would also be shameful for him to take a Nazarite vow.

          I agree with Yahuzadek's ending comments and think it is the heart of the issue. He has looked at the evidence, with a love toward HaShem and out of a desire to be obedient, and has come to the conclusion that he should never and will never again put a razor to his face. But if Yahuzadek or Searching or Rivkah tells others that they MUST do it, and those others perform the act out of obedience to the requirements of Yahuzadek or Searching or Rivkah, then to keep a razor from your face is FOR NAUGHT !!!!! We may feel as though we fully understand this commandment, but there will always be one that is not understood correctly, and yet, we DO, to the best of our understanding and ability. THAT is what HaShem desires. And in the doing, we receive blessings of the "abundant life." The spirit of the law must be present, as well as the letter. Yes, we are to seek diligently. Yes, we are to love the L-RD with all our being. Yes, we are to be obedient to His commandments. Yes, we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Obviously, Yahuzadek is doing just that -- halleluyah !


          • #6
            Blues 2, Ducks 2 - 4:10 - Second Period

            Peace Yahuzedek,

            I apologize for the Late reply. My zeal for posting hasn't been to great lately. A little while back I ran into what seemed to be a 'reading comprehension' problem, which made me loose interest greatly. I am back though now.

            Well, as I said, I do shave my beard. I also believe that I will continue to do so since I believe that the Body of Messiah has the ability to 'bind' and 'loosen' what seems necessary. I have no problem with anyone who does all the commands physically, as long as they are being done of Love, and not as a check list.

            I do believe that all must KEEP the commandments however. While this might seem to be a contradictory thought, I do not believe that it is. The Physical Doing of the Commands are only shadows of what is supposed to be happining to believers on the inside and or to teach us of the Father's plan. This brings me to the question, WHY was the commandment given, 'Do not mar you beard' and 'do not shave the sides of you head?', instead of something like 'do the watoosi before you go to bed' (I have never done that, ever ).

            These I don't have realy good answers for to tell you the truth.
            I have notice that our hairs are numbered:
            Luke 12:7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

            Leviticus 13 I have read about hair, and have paid rather close attention to:

            29 If a man or woman have a plague upon the head or the beard;

            30 Then the priest shall see the plague: and, behold, if it be in sight deeper than the skin; and there be in it a yellow thin hair; then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a dry scall, even a leprosy upon the head or beard.

            31 And if the priest look on the plague of the scall, and, behold, it be not in sight deeper than the skin, and that there is no black hair in it; then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague of the scall seven days:

            32 And in the seventh day the priest shall look on the plague: and, behold, if the scall spread not, and there be in it no yellow hair, and the scall be not in sight deeper than the skin;

            33 He shall be shaven, but the scall shall he not shave; and the priest shall shut up him that hath the scall seven days more:

            34 And in the seventh day the priest shall look on the scall: and, behold, if the scall be not spread in the skin, nor be in sight deeper than the skin; then the priest shall pronounce him clean: and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean. (baptize)

            35 But if the scall spread much (love sin) in the skin after his cleansing;

            36 Then the priest shall look on him: and, behold, if the scall be spread in the skin, the priest shall not seek for yellow hair; he is unclean.
            If I may relate this section to sin and the believer, I will move from here.

            In vs. 30, it mentions that if the plague be deeper than the skin, the person is labeled unclean immediatly, no if's ands or buts.

            However, if the plague is not deeper than the skin, the person is given 7 days in which to test the plague. When the priest comes, if he sees the plague, he puts out the believer seven days. Then the priest comes again, and sees that he plague has not spread, the believer is to shave all but the scall. From then when the priest comes again, and sees that the scall has not spread, the person is to be washed with clothes (according to Halachah gleanings) and is declared clean. Then after the person is pronounced clean, if the plague spreads, he is then pronounced unclean.

            In the middle of all this, we see the shaving of the believer. Shaving seems to be run in line with a purification, here from a plague, or in my view, sin. Why would you say is the reason for a shave? What is the symbolism? I have noticed as well that some were admired for their hair (2 Sam 14:25-26). The beauty of old men is thier grey hair (prov 20:29).

            So, I really don't have a clue at the moment about what hair has do with it all, but I will be thinking about it. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

            By the way, I am a block-head. When I answered your question in the first place, I was unaware of which direction you would be in favor of. A little later I noticed your avatar. Peace.


            PS...If you don't mind, I am going to move this thread under the Torah section after your next reply.
            Last edited by Searching; 03-18-2002, 03:13 AM.


            • #7
              My tiny tidbit...

              The specific commandment was "do not shave the corners of your heads". The "beard" comes into play whith both translational error, and with halachic decision.

              Orthodox halacha states that one is not to shave their sideburns. The pace, or long curly sideburns grown by orthodox, are not required, but is rather going another step to observe the commandment. It isn't until you study Hassidic halacha that you see beards as a requirement. Every other beit din (to my knowledge) does not require a beard, other than a few ultra-orthodox groups.

              Interstingly, you have various "messy-anic" groups who want to cling to specific ultra-orthodox halachic decisions while rejecting the whole of the ultra-orthodox, conservative, orthodox, and other beit din rulings. It is very odd that they want to pick up on certain decisions, and odd ones at that, and reject the rest!

              Scientifically, the corner of your head can be explained as such:
              if you feel the side of your face just below where the earpiece would rest, about 1/4 of an inch lower, you will feel a bump on your head. This, in biological terms, is known as "the corner of your head". That is where the halachic decision to not shave sideburns comes from.

              It is also understood by historians that in ancient times various pagan sects would shave the symbol of their g-d in their sideburns so that if they died, they would not be forgotten by that particualr pagan diety. Upon death, the particular pagan diety would see the symbol shaved in the side hair, and then retrieve that person's spirit.

              Thus, it would be simple to conclude that HaShem was giving the commandment as a restriction from practicing paganism.

              -just my tiny tidbit

              Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

              "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165


              • #8
                Originally posted by simchat_torah

                Interstingly, you have various "messy-anic" groups who want to cling to specific ultra-orthodox halachic decisions while rejecting the whole of the ultra-orthodox, conservative, orthodox, and other beit din rulings. It is very odd that they want to pick up on certain decisions, and odd ones at that, and reject the rest!

                Excuse Me but my wife and grand children like my beard.
                And what decisions am I rejecting?



                • #9
                  There is nothing against having a beard. In fact, it only shows the heart of one so willing to embrace the Holy mitzvot to "place a fence around it". In otherwords, it creates a halacha that goes farther than the Torah states so that one does not break the Torah. If there is a fence 20 feet from the yard, you won't step in the yard, right?


                  "And what decisions am I rejecting?"

                  One example, among many.... is the rejection of the halacha of not mixing meat and cheese... again, this is merely one example among many.

                  Are you, or any messianic for that matter, wrong for being selective in halachic observance?

                  That is the point of my argument...

                  How do you feel about being selective with halacha?

                  There is an entire thread dedicated to the subject of halacha under the jewish section (i think).

                  Shalom achi Dan!
                  Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

                  "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165


                  • #10
                    Shalom Japheth

                    You are correct in assuming that I do not keep all fence laws.

                    "How do you feel about being selective with halacha?"

                    As long as I do not break the Law I feel that I am still in G_DS will.
                    As you can see I need a lot more study on this.



                    • #11
                      Traditional View of Shaving

                      Torah gives the command, "v'lo ssash'chis es p'as z'qanecha", and you shall not destroy the edge of your beard. (Vayikra/Leviticus 19:27)

                      Traditional interpratation understands that shaving with a razor is prohibited...but trimming with a pair of sissors is permitted. It gets a little complicated though.

                      Some authorities understand that one is required to leave enough hair that one can fold it to its root and leave a loop. Therefore one could not be clean shaven. This is not a "Chassidic Halachah". It is based on Rabbi Yishmael's opinion in the Mishnah. Furthermore, it is the opinion of the Chafetz Chaim and the Chazon Ish two legendary Rabbi's of the last century neither of whom where Chassidic and both of whom's opinions are highly authoratative in Jewish law.

                      Others are of the opinion however that it doesn't matter how short the hair is cut as long as a razor is not used. Many electric razors work like sissors so there are many observant Jews who shave today. However some electric razors do in fact work like razors so they would be forbidden.

                      Nevertheless, many authorities prohibit shaving facial hair as part of the general prohibition against cross dressing. Likewise men may not dye their hair. Other authorities prohibit it based on the general prohibition against following the practices of non Jews.

                      All and all the Jewish outlook on wearing a beard is fairly pro beard.


                      • #12
                        Shalom Visitor,

                        I never stated that the "outlook on wearing a beard" is non-Jewish. Instead, what I pointed out is that there is no specific halacha to have a beard (excluding various ultra-orthodox sects).

                        As you so clearly pointed out, there are even those in the Orthodox community that accept halacha that states they may use an electric razor as it is more like a pair of scissors and not like a straight edge razor, however this is very limited to a small number of Orthodox communities. Typically, this is not accepted in Orthodox communities, but that is beginning to change.

                        What I was addressing, however, was not the issue of a beard, but where precisely is the hair is not to be shaved. Again, other than some ultra-orthodox Beit Din rulings I am not familiar with any that differ their halacha from the interpretation that the "corner of the head" is the skeletal structure that is just below the glasses line on the side of the face.
                        In otherwords, the upper sideburns.

                        That is why you will see many pictures of observant orthodox men who have a clean shaven face and the long curly ques (called pace) on the sides of their head.

                        It just remains a typical personal observance of many adult males to have a beard, or seen as a very "Jewish" thing to do, but is not halachically required for the rest of the face other than the upper sideburns.

                        The modern halacha that states: "one is required to leave enough hair that one can fold it to its root and leave a loop"
                        is again within the context of the hair that is on the upper sideburn area, not necessarily the entire face.

                        It is something that I specifically have had multiple discussions with a Chassidic Rabbi to a great extent. It was something that I was highly concerned about observing in a Torah and halachic fashion. I have studied the Halachic rulings with a Chassidic Rabbi, and he also led me to various other halachic rulings from various other levels of obserance (conservative, ect).

                        This is often quite misunderstood by many outside of Judaism because what most see are the full-beareded Jews.

                        The reason why I brought the subject is because in particular I have seen this discussed in Messianic circles. I have noticed two things from the discussions observed.

                        I. The messianics that have a command for a man to have a beared (incorrectly) believe it to be a Jewish Halacha to have a beard as well as a Torah Mitzvot.

                        II. The messianics that command it to be observed actually observer very little halachic decisions from Judaism. The halachic decisions they do choose to observe are often misunderstood as a halacha, and are simply a typically "jewish" thing (i.e. beards). Yet, they reject the rest of Jewish halacha.

                        I only made mention of the "beard" issue because of the two observations I derived from such encounters.
                        To give a specific example: A very good hearted messianic, Daniel Botkins (whom I know personally, and admire as a person), a leader of a fairly well known messianic congregation in Peoria Illinois (Gates of Eden), has made statements in the past that it is required to have a beard if one is to observe the Torah mitzvot. Yet, he does not observe any set of Jewish Halacha as a whole (very little actually).

                        I am merely provoking others in order to get a discussion going specifically about halacha. For a brief break-down of what halacha consists of and precisely what type of a discussion I am looking for, see the thread titled "Halachic Authority" at:

                        Shalom Visitor,

                        p.s. Please don't feel as though I am being combatitive. I actually really enjoyed your post. Very few are familiar with some of what you quoted and I'm sure that you will be a valuable asset to this discussion board. Welcome achi.
                        Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

                        "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165


                        • #13
                          Please do not take me as being combative either, however your are mistaken.

                          There is no question about the area's defined as "corner" or the beard...we don't know. Therefore what ever Torah prohibits to the "corners" applies practically to the whole thing.

                          Everything I said specifically applied to the beard/face. What you refer to is another different, although related, regulation. They are called "payos", corners, and are most noticable on Chassidim. They are worn by non Chassidim as well...infact I believe the Yemenite Jews wore (long) as well.


                          • #14
                            The issue of pace (or "payos", or "pas", or "pays", or "paes", or "paice", as this is a transliterated word, and not translated there are multiple spellings) was discussed in the Mishnah, and I believe are relevant to the quotes you stated earlier. The quotes you brought in, according to the two Rabbis I have disucssed this issue with (one Chassidic [in florida] and one Orthodox [in Chicago]), were understood to be within the context of the hair that is not to be trimmed on the sideburns, more specifically what length it is to be. Yet, what hair is not to be trimmed is what the Mishnah discusses, and what is the "understood" aspect of the relevant discussion given by R. Chafetz Chaim (unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the writings of R. Chazon Ish, though I've seen him quoted, I'm not familar with anything he's written).

                            I do not contend with you the arguments laid out by the quoted Rabbis of the length of hair, but merely contend with where that hair is to be. I believe it is within the context of what the quoted Rabbis stated, as it is obviously discussed in the Mishnah, and I doubt (since I haven't read R. Chazon Ish I can't say I know for sure, but merely doubt... however, I'm quite familar with Rabbi Israel Meir HaCohen Kagan, or "Chafetz Chaim" and his writings) they would vary from Mishnaic writings. Nor would the majority of Beit Din rulings today vary from Mishnaic rulings (or Talmudic for that matter). Considering all in all that the pace is discussed in detail in the Mishnah as well as the Talmud I'm sure that the application of the length of hair would stand as with the background of the payos.

                            Yet, if you can show me otherwise, I'd really like to see your findings. As stated before, it is something that I've looked into with great care, not only on my own but with the help of two Rabbis (one being a good friend of mine, just a couple hours north of where I live).

                            But, alas, it is still somewhat a moot point as the main argument of the messianic movement still stands. That is primarily why I brought up the subject. Not necessarily because this subject is an important one or not, but purely using it as a point to jump off of. I could have used any number of other ways in which mainstream messianic-ism uses a "pick and choose" fashion of halachic observances.

                            Shalom Visitor!!!

                            p.s. If you do find that the context of specifically what hair was being discussed by Rabbi Chazon Ish, please share. Also, if you do find the context, also could you show where you think it not only influenced modern halacha but show the modern halacha as well concerning the "beard"? Sounds like a lot to ask, but I am interested as it is still a halachic ruing I am considering how to apply in my own life. I'm excited to see what you find. Doubtful that it will be much different than what I've come across, but who knows, eh? thanks!
                            Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

                            "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165


                            • #15
                              what I have seen from the the Chazon Ish are quotes that many people use from a book on his life from artscroll called 'The Chazon Ish: The life and ideals of Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz'. Mostly I've read things concerning his teachings on faith and prayer, but otherwise, am somewhat unfamiliar with any of his writings.

                              Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

                              "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165

