<B>Originally posted by bantha on 06-14-2002 12:06 AM</b> on the thread:
Tzaddikim Discussion Forums > General Theology > Biblical Study > The flesh of pigs
I hope I'm not jumping in too soon, I see there is more to follow, but I was wondering if you observe all of the dietary laws, or just the ones pertaining to what foods to eat. If you don't observe them all, how do you decide which ones to follow?
In doing a quick study on the dietary laws tonight, I discovered Hamburger helper is not Kosher... meat + milk.
Very interesting stuff!
Tzaddikim Discussion Forums > General Theology > Biblical Study > The flesh of pigs
I hope I'm not jumping in too soon, I see there is more to follow, but I was wondering if you observe all of the dietary laws, or just the ones pertaining to what foods to eat. If you don't observe them all, how do you decide which ones to follow?
In doing a quick study on the dietary laws tonight, I discovered Hamburger helper is not Kosher... meat + milk.
Very interesting stuff!