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Reincarnation And The Law!

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  • #16
    Reincarnation Denies Sharing Of Spirit!

    Hi Everyone,

    Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

    YAHWEH Messiah Yahushua gifted HIS Spirit to HIS Believers on the Day of Pentecost. Peter understood that this giving of Holy Spirit was in accord to what was prophesied in Joel:

    Acts 2:17-18
    17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith ELOHIM, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
    18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:

    Whence cometh this Holy Spirit? Obviously, this shared spirit was gathered by Messiah through HIS Death, Burial, and 3rd Day Resurrection. It is the spirit of all the holy men of ELOHIM (please see Hebrews 12:23). James, the Brother of Yahushua, received of this spirit, and he was later martyred. This was the same for Peter and for Paul.

    It is clear from the scriptures that the martyred death of HIS Believers is precious in the sight of Messiah Yahushua. If you are blessed to be one of HIS martyred Believers, Messiah will receive your spirit into HIMSELF. Does Messiah then share this returned spirit with others? In other words, can the spirit of James, and Peter, and Paul, now be shared with others? Absolutely!

    Paul makes this point while contemplating his martyrdom:

    Philippians 1:21

    21 For to me to live is Messiah, and to die is gain.

    Paul shared the spirit of Messiah. When we share the spirit of someone, we become one with that person. Therefore, Paul understood that his continued living in the flesh is the same as Messiah living in the flesh, and Paul understood that his martyrdom would also be the same as the martyrdom of Messiah. At death, the spirit is released, and the spirit goes back to its original owner. When a portion of this returned spirit is then shared with another, there is much gain. In other words, when the spirits of martyred Saints are shared with others, those Saints are increased by all the spirit of those who do now share their spirit. Understand that this sharing of spirit works both ways. They share their spirit with us, and they gain all of our spirit.

    This sharing of spirit is not reincarnation. Indeed, I can know the things of Paul because his spirit has been shared with me. This is the same for James and for Peter. If James, the Brother of Yahushua, has been reincarnated today in only one person, then his spirit cannot be further shared with others, and there is little gain!

    Come now, ye Reincarnationists, can you give answer?

    Thanking in advance all those that should choose to reply, I am,

    Sincerely, Latuwr


    • #17
      Gathered Unto Our Fathers!

      Hi Everyone,

      Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

      It is witnessed concerning Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, upon their death, that they were gathered to their Fathers.

      It is evident from the Scriptures that two Fathers exist:
      • Our Heavenly Father
      • And HaSatan
      Needless to say, Abraham, Issac, and Jacob were gathered to Our Heavenly Father along with all the other holy men of ELOHIM. Once gathered these holy men become Heavenly Father as this important scripture indicates:

      Hebrews 12:22-24
      22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living ELOHIM, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,
      23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to ELOHIM the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
      24 And to Yahushua the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

      All these Tzaddikim had a preexistence as ELOHIM. They determined together to be born as men with the faith and hope that they would recover everything that had been lost to them. They were foreknown, and they were predestined to be conformed to the holy standard of our Heavenly Father through the sharing of HIS Holy Spirit with them.

      Peter testifies that ELOHIM gives HIS spirit to those who obey HIM:

      Acts 5:32
      32 And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom ELOHIM hath given to them that obey him.

      Lest any be wise in their own conceits, please understand that this obedience is also a gift that is worked in HIS Chosen Ones, who were chosen before the foundation of the world, to reach perfection through the gracious work of Messiah Yahushua as do we:

      Romans 6:22-23
      22 But now being made free from sin, and become servants to ELOHIM, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.
      23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of ELOHIM is eternal life through Yahushua Messiah our YAHWEH.

      We all reach perfection together through sharing the same spirit, the Holy Spirit of YAHWEH ELOHIM as graciously granted to each of us through marvelous work of Messiah Yahushua, the King of the Tzaddikim.

      Reincarnationists, like all other pseudo Christians, have no awareness of how this salvation works; otherwise, they would speedily renounce their covenant with death.

      Life is a gift that must be apprehended right now for all those predetermined to receive this precious gift from their Heavenly Father.

      When you die, ye Reincarnationists, to which Father are ye gathered?

      Thanking in advance all those that may be moved to reply, I am,

      Sincerely, Latuwr


      • #18
        A New Creature!

        Hi Everyone,

        Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

        Our Heavenly Father is highlighted by these three things indicated in this blessing from Paul:

        2 Corinthians 13:14
        14 The grace of YAHWEH Yahushua Messiah, and the love of ELOHIM, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

        The last phrase, the communion of the Holy Ghost, indicates the sharing of the Holy Spirit amongst the ELOHIM. If I am able to share my spirit with you, then you become one with me, and I become one with you.

        Belief in reincarnation does not recognize the wonderful change which occurs when YAHWEH Messiah Yahushua shares HIS Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the ELOHIM, with us.

        James, the Ab Bet Din, shared in the Holy Spirit along with all the other Apostles and Believers of the 1st Assembly or Witness. When James received the gift of additional spirit which united with his spirit, then James became something more than just the original imperfected James. James became a new creature, James the Just. Does this new creature now have need of living multiple lifetimes in order to achieve perfection? Absolutely not! This new creature is a part of the living ELOHIM, possessing the communion of the Holy Spirit, which brings the new James to perfection and ensures his continued physical life.

        After James received the Holy Spirit, how could James then go through successive reincarnations as an imperfected creature? This is the critical weakness in the reasoning of the reincarnationists. They fail to take into account what the fellowship of the Holy Spirit really means for those who are blessed to enter into that fellowship.

        Come now, Nazirene, will ye give answer?

        Thanking in advance all those that may choose to reply, I am,

        Sincerely, Latuwr


        • #19
          Reaching Perfection!

          Hi Everyone,

          Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

          The Spirit of One plus the Spirits of Just Men made perfect are a powerful force fully able to overcome all things:

          Ephesians 3:20
          20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

          Ephesians 1:19
          19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,

          Colossians 2:8-10
          8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Messiah.
          9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the divinity bodily.
          10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

          If I am complete in Messiah in whom dwells all the Spirits of Just Men, what need have I of multiple lifetimes in order to reach perfection?

          Reincarnation, including the modified reincarnation of the Nazirene, denies the supreme authority and power of My Messiah Yahushua. It is actually anti-Messiah because it teaches that perfection comes through living and dying multiple times and not through Messiah HIMSELF!

          So, Nazirene, through whom do you hope to reach perfection? Will ye give answer?

          Thanking all in advance that should choose to reply, I am,

          Sincerely, Latuwr


          • #20
            The Day Of Shouting!

            Hi Everyone,

            Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

            On this High Holy Sabbath Day, which according to the physical is the only High Sabbath which cannot be predetermined, I desire to shout out on this Day of Shouting (Leviticus 23:24) concerning the great salvation of My Messiah Yahushua!

            Just as Reincarnationists, including modified Renincarnationists like Nazirene, who deny the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the resulting LIFE NOW for those blessed to enter into that fellowship, have no real hope of reaching perfection in one lifetime so also do they not have any correct understanding concerning how Messiah Yahushua does bring us to perfection through HIS grace; otherwise, they would immediately renounce their belief in reincarnation.

            Reincarnationists are ignorant of HIS grace. They do not know anything, despite all their claims to gnosis, about the grace of YAHWEH Messiah Yahushua.

            My challenge to them here is simply this: How does the grace of Messiah Yahushua save you and me? Paul writes:

            Ephesians 2:5
            5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened (make alive together) us together with Messiah, (by grace ye are saved)

            How is it that so many imagine themselves saved from their sins, and then they forthwith all grow older, eventually get sick and die? Physical death is the reward for our sin. Is it not indeed amazing that all pseudo Christians believe that the grace of Messiah Yahushua and the fellowship of HIS Holy Spirit really have no real power to save them from their sins and from the wages of their sin which is physical death? Where is your faith, Nazirene? Will you give answer?

            Thanking in advance all those that may choose to reply, I am,

            Sincerely, Latuwr


            • #21
              The Gifts!

              Hi Everyone,

              Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

              From whence cometh physical death. The Apostle Paul teaches that death is a gift from Adam. Where? Right here:

              Romans 5:12-15
              12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
              13 For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
              14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
              15 But not with respect to the offence (Yahushua did not sin), rather according to the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of ELOHIM, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Yahushua Messiah, hath abounded unto many.

              Adam does not prefigure Yahushua if we concentrate on sin. Messiah did not sin. Adam only prefigures Messiah Yahushua when we look at the gift that each gave to mankind. Adam gave mankind the gift of death, and Messiah Yahushua gave mankind the gift of life.

              Almost all men and women today continue to accept Adam's gift of death rather than repudiate that death through repentance (see Ezekiel 18:21-22). Few men and women today believe that Messiah Yahushua actually gave the gift of life to HIS Believers. Reincarnationists are the world's worse in this regard. They champion Adam's gift of death rather than Messiah's gift of life through their perverse belief in multiple lifetimes and deaths.

              If Messiah Yahushua actually gave mankind the gift of life, why is it that no Christian today displays that gift through continuing to live? Why do they all continue to manifest death if life is available?

              In a sense, Reincarnationists are more sincere than typical Christians in this regard. They openly avow death for themselves while typical Christians give lip service to the life that Messiah came to give to HIS Believers all the while denying that this gift means LIFE NOW for them! Both Reincarnationists and typical Christians are deceived.

              Nazirene, have you been given the gift of life from Messiah Yahushua? How about you, Eternal Seeker? How about you, Reluctant Messenger? Will any give answer?

              Thanking all in advance that may choose to reply, I am,

              Sincerely, Latuwr


              • #22
                Eating The Sour Grape And The Sweet!

                Hi Everyone,

                Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

                Shabbat Shalom and Happy Feast! It was very pleasant in my tent in my backyard last night in Missouri!

                Romans 5:17
                17 For if by one offence death reigned through one (that is, Adam); much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life through one, Yahushua Messiah.

                Adam's offence gave death to all men. Remember, sin is not counted where there is no law; therefore, most of the men that died between Adam and Moses died because of the sin of Adam unless, of course, they themselves did transgress a direct commandment from ELOHIM just like Adam did. Notice here that men are now able to receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness through Messiah Yahushua. This free gift entitles the recipients to LIFE NOW. This free gift of Messiah Yahushua does not allow death to continue to reign. So, when Reincarnationists and other Christians die, they prove that the gift from Messiah to them results in no advantage for them. Indeed, they have no capacity, so to speak, to remain or abide in their tents, that is, their fleshly bodies.

                Romans 5:18
                18 Therefore as through the offence of one death came upon all men into condemnation; even so through the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men into justification of life.

                Notice here that Adam did eat the sour grape, so to speak, with the result that the teeth of his descendants were all set on edge (please see Jeremiah 31:29-30 and Ezekiel 18:2-3). Notice also here that the consumed food (please see John 4:34) of Messiah Yahushua correspondingly results in the justification of life being given to all men.

                If all men have graciously been given the free gift of righteousness through Messiah Yahushua which gives justification into life to all men, why do all men continue to die? Who is able to give answer? How about you, Nazirene? Are you able to give answer? What about you, Shohniqua? Perhaps, UziYah, you would like to answer? Why is it that none of you are able to abide in Messiah Yahushua (John 15:6)?

                Thanking in advance all that are moved to reply, I am,

                Sincerely, Latuwr


                • #23
                  As Sin Abounds, Righteousness Abounds Even More?

                  Hi Everyone,

                  Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

                  Rain and cold Saturday night and rather cool Sunday night, but I remained comfortable in my tent! Happy 3rd Day of the Feast, Everyone!

                  Romans 5:19
                  19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

                  Adam gave the gift of sin and death to his offspring. This gift is not according to the justice system of YAHWEH ELOHIM. How do we know that? YAHWEH commands right here through Moses:

                  Deuteronomy 24:16
                  16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

                  Accordingly, Paul writes:

                  Romans 5:20
                  20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

                  Paul understood that the Law was given to increase the Offence of Adam. This is extremely important to understand. When the Law was given, did the Law increase the number of sinners in the world? Absolutely not! But, with the coming of the Law, the number of imputed sinners dramatically increased with the result that a greater number of humans now would have the opportunity to die for their own sin. Almost all adults today, all those who have some knowledge of the Law and all those who grow older, get sick, and eventually die, die for their own sin according to the system of justice established by YAHWEH ELOHIM through the giving of the Law.

                  Come now, ye Gnostics, can you give answer here? How in all the world does the grace of righteousness now increase at the same time that the Offence of Adam increases amongst humans?

                  Romans 5:21
                  21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life through Yahushua Messiah, our YAHWEH.

                  Thanking in advance all those who may be moved to reply, I am,

                  Sincerely, Latuwr


                  • #24
                    The Grace Of Transgressions!

                    Hi Everyone,

                    Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

                    Happy 4th Day of the Feast!

                    The Law graciously gave to each of us a grace of transgressions:

                    Galatians 3:19
                    19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added (*) grace (*) of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.
                    • The Law was added to the Promise in order to eventually show forth the Seed of Abraham, that is, Messiah Yahushua (see verse 16). Abraham did everything that YAHWEH ELOHIM commanded of him (see Genesis 26:5). Like father, like son. Is it not therefore reasonable to expect that the Seed of Abraham would do as Abraham did? Absolutely, and, of course, Messiah did also obey in everything proving HIMSELF to be the Seed.
                      Before the giving of the Law, any Israelite could lay claim to being the Seed of Abraham. After the giving of the Law, this field of claimants becomes rather limited because perfect obedience is required, and there is none that doeth good, save for Messiah Yahushua, no not one. So, the Law was added to the Promise in order to make us all imputed sinners so that we would be able to recognize the Seed when HE does appear! This is one important way that the Law serves the Promise. The Law makes the Seed of Abraham stand out as a shining beacon of light!
                    • Charin, accusative of charis, the Greek word for "grace". The translators here use "charin" as a preposition because they have no understanding that the Law serves to graciously make us all imputed sinners. I, therefore, reject their translation. We become imputed sinners first of all because the Law is given to us (see 1 Timothy 1:9), and, secondly, because we all have heard the Law, and, then, we deliberated choose not to keep the Law proving that we are not the Seed. This disobedience comes about all because men are given a grace of transgressions through the sheer volume of what the Law requires of us and because all men have inherited the sinful nature of Adam. The Law, then, additionally serves the Promise by being our Paidagogos unto Messiah Yahushua (see verse 24).
                    It is clear from Romans 5 that disobedience and the result of disobedience which is death comes to mankind as a gift from Adam. It is also clear from Romans 5 that righteousness and the result of doing righteousness, that is, continual LIFE, comes to mankind as a gift from Messiah Yahushua.

                    If the demands of the Law serve to graciously make us all imputed sinners, is it possible that YAHWEH ELOHIM could make these same demands of the Law to also become imputed righteousness for each of us? Absolutely! This is exactly what happens through the wonderful work of Messiah Yahushua!

                    Remember, whereas sin abounds through Adam, righteousness abounds through Messiah Yahushua.

                    The sin that abounds through Adam is my sin and your sin. Is the righteousness that abounds through Messiah Yahushua also my righteousness and your righteousness? What think ye? What say ye, Nazirene? Is the righteousness that comes through Messiah Yahushua, is this righteousness really our righteousness?

                    Thanking in advance all that should choose to reply, I am,

                    Sincerely, Latuwr


                    • #25
                      Sin Equals Righteousness!

                      Hi Everyone,

                      Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

                      Happy 6th Day of the Feast!

                      Whenever I approach Christians concerning the gift of righteousness clearly set forth in Romans 5, I usually am told that this righteousness is the righteousness of Messiah Yahushua. Often they will quote Isaiah to me:

                      Isaiah 64:6
                      6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

                      As if there is no possibility that the unclean could be cleansed of their iniquities and then indeed work a righteousness that is pleasing to YAHWEH, giving them the right to continual LIFE.

                      Reincarnationists of the (wrong) Way properly understand that there is no value in the substitutional righteousness fostered by traditional Christianity, but they have no understanding of the righteousness that could give them the power to remain and not be taken away and given over to ultimate uncleanness, that is, physical death.

                      Neither do they understand that YAHWEH ELOHIM through the Law gave mankind a grace of transgressions so that we all could have the privilege of dying for our own sins, and neither do they understand that YAHWEH ELOHIM through the same Law did provide a way of escape from this our miserable condition through the wonderful gracious work of Messiah Yahushua.

                      This gracious work provides us with a gift of righteousness that is our own! How so? Sin is the transgression of the Law, and righteousness is the fulfillment or the doing of the Law. When I fail to do what the Law commands, I own sin. Whenever I accomplish what the Law commands, I own righteousness. Obviously, I can look at the Law and see my sin. Can I look at the Law and likewise see my righteousness? Yes, but only if I look at the Law through the Cross of Messiah Yahushua because HIS suffering and death details a whole lot of righteousness accomplished by the sinful me.

                      The Law commands the bringing and offering of various sacrifices, does it not? When these sacrifices are brought and offered according to the Law, then I have accomplished righteousness. Consider the Sin Offering here (Leviticus 4:27-35). The Law allows me to offer an individual Sin Offering only for unintentional sins. Under the Law, there is no individual offering allowed for deliberate sin. So, if I bring and offer a female lamb or goat for my unintentional sin, atonement is made, and I am forgiven (see verse 35). Understand here that an animal must die because I have sinned and have need of atonement and forgiveness. So, my sin is the direct cause of the death of my sin offering.

                      Now, what happens if I, for various reasons, should begin to believe that Messiah Yahushua is my sin offering? Obviously, if Messiah Yahushua is my sin offering, then Messiah died because of my sin, did HE not? If Messiah Yahushua is my sin offering, then HIS suffering and death becomes a source of righteousness for me. Indeed, I have offered my offering, and I, therefore, do receive a certain amount of righteousness because I have completed what the Law requires me to accomplish with respect to my unintentional sin.

                      Obviously, this righteousness is a gift. All I bring to this table is my sin. I myself did no work for this righteousness save for doing that which was natural and easy for me, that is, being a sinner.

                      Dear Reader, please take a leap of faith here. Open your heart and mind to understand that your sin equals righteousness through the wonderful work of Messiah Yahushua. This is why that Paul here asks:

                      Romans 6:1
                      1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?

                      Paul was teaching the Diaspora that we receive righteousness through our sin, and many were taking this teaching wrongly. This grace is designed by YAHWEH ELOHIM for this purpose:

                      Titus 2:11-15
                      11 For the grace of ELOHIM that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
                      12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and ELOHIMLY, in this present world;
                      13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great ELOHIM and our Saviour Yahushua Messiah;
                      14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
                      15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.

                      And so I, by the grace of Messiah Yahushua, do speak and exhort! What say ye, Nazirene. Do you speak and exhort these things? How about you, Gnostic Seeker?

                      Thanking in advance all those that may choose to reply, I am,

                      Sincerely, Latuwr


                      • #26
                        Life Now!

                        Hi Everyone,

                        Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

                        Shabbat Shalom and Happy High Holy Great Day!

                        If we receive righteousness through our sin through the wonderful work of Messiah Yahushua, we have no choice but to depart from our sin; otherwise, we engage in the deliberate murder of an innocent man whenever we engage in sin. Indeed, Messiah dies for all sin, but the sinner had best be unaware or ignorant of the horrible cost of his or her sin to Messiah. Once enlightened, we must repent or we will face some very terrible consequences (Hebrews 6:4-6,Hebrews 12:29).

                        Christians are unaware of the connection between their own sin and the gift of righteousness that is available to them through the Cross of Messiah. They foolishly imagine that Messiah came as their substitute to save them in their sins. Not knowing the truth, they now have no opportunity for LIFE NOW, and because they remain enslaved to their sin, they all grow older, get sick, and eventually die!

                        If Reincarnationists like Nazirene and Company share the same fate as foolish and unenlightened Christians, why should I accept that they have any knowledge of the true Way? They also are deceived.

                        Those that understand how the Cross works salvation for themselves properly understand they did themselves did die with Messiah according to the grace of ELOHIM! Please, Dear Readers, continue reading Romans 6 here. Paul is plain in his teaching there. We all died with Messiah, and true Christians go on to prove their death in Messiah. If we do not prove our death in HIM through renouncing sin and living righteously, then we must go on to physically die for it is appointed for all men to die once.

                        If I do indeed prove my death in Messiah Yahushua, then I have already died, have I not? And if I have already died with Messiah, why can I not now continue to live? This is not rocket science, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is very simple, and it is a matter of life and death for each and everyone of you, that is, if your heart and mind is opened to my words.

                        LIFE NOW is again available to mankind. Why should you die, Nazirene, if life is available? How about you, Shohniqua? Do you desire to live?

                        Thanking in advance all those that are moved to reply, I am,

                        Sincerely, Latuwr


                        • #27
                          Why, Father, Why?

                          Hi Everyone,

                          Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

                          For what purpose, FATHER, are YOUR Children given the Gift of Righteousness through Messiah Yahushua?:

                          Romans 5:17
                          17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Yahushua Messiah.

                          Reincarnationists like Nazirene, and Eternal Seeker, and Gnostic Seeker, do they believe these words? Do they believe that they can reign in life without physically dying? Nazirene acknowledges multiple lifetimes for himself. Apparently, the superabundance of grace and the gift of righteousness failed to help him reign in life. If one has no knowledge or faith in living, if someone always acknowledges that death reigns over them, what does that make them? Does not their ignorance and their lack of faith show them to be actually of the dead and dying?

                          Reincarnationists champion death because they do not take seriously these words of the Law:

                          Leviticus 18:5
                          5 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am YAHWEH.

                          Come now, ye Children of YAHWEH, do you hear these words? YAHWEH has given HIS Children through the work of Messiah Yahushua a wonderful gift of Law keeping. That is exactly what righteousness is. Righteousness is Law keeping. I am being redundant here, but can we not admit that FATHER YAHWEH'S Gifts to HIS Children are given so that we might succeed in living? Absolutely!

                          Thanking in advance those who may be moved to reply, I am,

                          Sincerely, Latuwr


                          • #28
                            Death In Messiah!

                            Hi Everyone,

                            Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

                            Shabbat Shalom!

                            Please let's recap the gifts of our great ELOHIM. YAHWEH gave life to Adam and Eve by placing HIS Spirit in them. They became animated earth. Man is formed dirt given life through the gift of ELOHIM'S spirit. Then ELOHIM gave man commandments. Why?

                            Paul states this concerning commandments:

                            1 Timothy 1:9-10
                            9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
                            10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;

                            Man, that is, animated earth, in the sight of YAHWEH ELOHIM, is therefore originally by YAHWEH'S purpose and design lawless and disobedient; otherwise, why would YAHWEH command man to subdue the Earth and rule over it? To rule the Earth, man must first learn to rule over himself, and this is so very hard to learn to rule over oneself. If we learn to rule over ourselves, we will live. If not, we will die.

                            YAHWEH then gave tremendous promises to the Fathers and to the Seed which is Messiah Yahushua. YAHWEH then added to the Promises, the Law, so that the Seed would be set apart when HE does appear. This gift of Law gives all of us the grace of many transgressions so that we could each die for our own sin and not die for the sin of Adam.

                            Within the gift of the Law, which makes us all imputed sinners, we are flat out informed by YAHWEH through Ezekiel how life endures:

                            Ezekiel 20:11-12
                            11 And I gave them my statutes, and shewed them my judgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in them.
                            12 Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I, YAHWEH, make them clean.

                            Men die because they have no ability to do the Law, and men have no idea that YAHWEH is able to cleanse them from sin and death and give them rest. If YAHWEH has the authority to make HIS Sabbaths holy, why would YAHWEH not have the authority to make mankind clean and holy and give them rest from sin and death?

                            Through Ezekiel, YAHWEH is saying that life endures through the keeping of the Law, and then YAHWEH is saying that the very existence of the Sabbath Days teaches us that YAHWEH will also make us holy! This is indeed wondrous in my eyes!

                            Moreover, YAHWEH then gives mankind statutes that are not good, which, by doing, we cannot live (see verse Ezekiel 20:25). These refer to all the commanded sacrifices, and these commanded sacrifices really show us the true purpose of sacrifice, namely: Sacrifice is meant to give mankind an individual gift of death.

                            Children of YAHWEH, is there anyone more gracious in HIS giving than YAHWEH ELOHIM? Can we really be made clean and holy? Can we really enter into YAHWEH'S rest? Absolutely! All these things are accomplished through the gracious work of Messiah Yahushua, who by HIS own death, has given us all a gift of death in HIMSELF. In HIS death, Messiah is not a substitute. In HIS death, Messiah is you, and Messiah is me!

                            Come now, Ye Reincarnationists, can all these things be learned in one lifetime? Absolutely! Why then have you all lived and died so many times? Is it because that you have no knowledge that you can die in the death of Messiah Yahushua? Why not die daily in one lifetime through the death of Messiah rather than over and over again in multiple lifetimes?

                            Thanking in advance all those who may be moved to reply, I am,

                            Sincerely, Latuwr


                            • #29
                              Hanging From Your Tree!

                              Hi Everyone,

                              Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

                              What does it mean for us to die with Messiah? Paul says this about his death in Messiah:

                              Romans 6:6
                              6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

                              And, in another place, this:

                              Galatians 2:20
                              20 I am crucified with Messiah: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Messiah liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the very faith of the Son of ELOHIM, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

                              Messiah died with HIS hands and HIS feet nailed to a Tree. My Dear Friends, if we died with Messiah, are not our hands and feet also nailed to a Tree? This is the natural state of mankind. We all hang as the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and we are always conflicted in our struggle against sin, having no power to alter our fate, no matter how much we struggle against sin and seek after righteousness in our walk through this life according to the works of our hands. This our struggle with good and evil on our Cross (which is also the Cross of Messiah) always ends in physical death for each of us unless we are graciously given the very Faith of Messiah Yahushua by which we are enabled according to the Mercy of ELOHIM to overcome the accursedness of being affixed to a Tree!

                              Come now, ye Reincarnationists, have you been crucified with Messiah? Does Messiah Yahushua now live in each of you? If so, why do you yet claim physical death for yourselves when the Supreme Ruler of the Universe is said to live in you? Is it possible that your false believe in multiple lifetimes denies any possibility of your sharing in the death of Messiah right here and now? What say ye, Nazirene? Does Messiah Yahushua live in you? How about you Eternal Seeker? Perhaps, Pure Practice has an answer? And what can I say of you, UziYah, and you, Shohniqua?

                              Thanking in advance all that may choose to reply, I am,

                              Sincerely, Latuwr


                              • #30
                                The Faith Of Messiah Yahushua!

                                Hi Everyone,

                                Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

                                A challenge to all modified Reincarnationists like Nazirene who teach that Believers "as physical beings, we must still undergo a soul and spiritual birth, before the final birth which can only be achieved by those who pick up their own cross and follow in the footsteps of Yeshua/Jesus."

                                In order to follow in HIS footsteps should we not have some knowledge of HIS Faith? Consider these words:

                                Ephesians 2:8-10
                                8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of ELOHIM:
                                9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
                                10 For we are his workmanship, created in Messiah Yahushua unto good works, which ELOHIM hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

                                The above phrase "are ye saved" is actually a combination of two separate Greek verbs:
                                • Este-the 2 person plural present indicative of eimi, that is, I am
                                • And sesosmenoi-the nominative plural perfect passive participle of sozo, that is, to save, to preserve safe and unharmed
                                Notice that Este is present tense and notice that sesosmenoi is perfect tense. The present indicative in Greek "generally denotes action in progress or customary or repeated action in present time". The perfect indicative in Greek denotes "that the action of the verb is regarded as complete at the time of speaking, and that its results are regarded as still existing".

                                Believers, therefore, according to Paul, continue to exist as a result of the already completed action of having been saved. This salvation comes through the faith of Messiah Yahushua according to HIS bountiful mercy and grace, and this salvation is not the result of any work on our part. We are preserved alive through the gracious work of Messiah Yahushua according to HIS Faith.

                                If my salvation rests upon picking up my cross and following in the footsteps of Messiah Yahushua, then my salvation depends upon my works and not the faith and grace of Messiah Yahushua. To be sure, picking up my cross and following in the footsteps of Messiah Yahushua should very well become a part of the good works ordained by ELOHIM that HIS Believers should walk in them (see verse 10), but my salvation according to Paul is completed before I learn how to engage in this walk.

                                My great YAHWEH ELOHIM, Messiah Yahushua, has already saved me through HIS gracious work, and this great salvation is given to me as a gift.

                                Accordingly, if I possess so sure a salvation, that is, if I have already been preserved alive, what need have I of future multiple lifetimes? Indeed, if someone should teach that Believers have need of multiple lifetimes, what are any such teachers really saying about the ability and capability of YAHWEH ELOHIM to save anyone? Are they not saying that HIS Hand is rather short? This is not the faith of Messiah Yahushua!

                                What say ye, Nazirene, have you been saved by grace according to HIS Faith?

                                Thanking in advance all that may be moved to reply, I am,

                                Sincerely, Latuwr

