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to seam less

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  • to seam less

    seamless -without a seam.
    Man IN divinity
    Divinity IN Man, as a seamless being.

    Anointed as Man
    Anointed as God.

    Kings and Priests in the CHURCH of the first born, have to harmonise with the concept of divinity in Man working under the anointing. divinity in Man is scorned by most.

    what did Jesus tell us?
    ''the Kingdom of God is within us''.

    the Kingdom power is there
    The kingdom anointing is there
    the Kingdom divinity is there - but who can birth it out from within?

    who can be Seamless too?
    It is up to each of us - to JUDGE our personal seamlessness.
    Look for this robe upon us~! personally.

    Did you ever notice here, that those soldiers at the cross that day, did NOT DIVIDE THIS GARMENT.
    It is written ''they cast lots to keep it in one piece, amongst themselves''.

    Each man WANTED IT WHOLE for himself - now anyone who is NOT spiritually BLIND can *see* into this immortal written fact that there are layers of learning here for truthseekers to absorb.

    SO~!what Soldier got lucky that day and who WON THE ROBE hey?
    what happened to this Robe?

    Did it never wear out, like when the children of Israel's clothes did not wear out in their wilderness crossing.
    ''A chiton'' it was called in greek for a coat - a tunic.
    Chiton, garment worn by Greek men and women from the Archaic period (c. 750–c. 500 bc) through the Hellenistic period (323–30 bc). Essentially a sleeveless shirt, the chiton was a rectangular piece of linen (Ionic chiton) or wool (Doric chiton) draped by the wearer in various ways and kept in place

    a quote from a rabbi says.....

    Moses tells the people:

    simlatcha lo balta mayalecha,

    “Your clothes did not grow old upon you”.

    Moses is telling the people that their clothes didn’t wear out for the 40 years of wandering.

    you know, when you seek hard after Father, the Most High God, He blesses us with divine knowledge each day. I love it. I learn new things each day i did not know before. Its described as ''line upon line''.

    you have to LOOK AT THIS please

    WHAT type of clothes would not grow old?

  • #2
    the robe of seamlessness.

    Psalms 22:18:'' they divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing''.
    Roman cucificion squads consisted of 4 men.
    so 4 men cast lots fo this robe.
    #4 is fleshy/earthy/vanity realm of this world

    *also, theologically symbolic of the seamless tunics only worn by the priests

    [priest -seamless garment.] is this a true picture of man restored back to the divine Image?
    i think so.
    If we look here at this garment, there was actually NO PLACE, THOSE 4 SOLDIERS COULD BEGIN TO TEAR IT apart.

    meaning - satan had no slavish hold upon the Saviour nor can he have upon the children of promise.
    that is the GOAL.
    ASK?does satan tear you apart still by slavery to this world and all its corruptions or does he have NO hold upon your life?
    to become a perfect Man.

    Man was not created to be a tangle of evil desires and horrible contradications. He was created a divine being.
    Jesus PROVED there is a WAY back to perfections.
    He will clothe us in garments white as snow
    i wish to HIGHLIGHT this fact please.
    ''they GAMBLED for His garment''.

    PEOPLE who live in vanity GAMBLE each day about all types of things and their religion is on that list.
    They follow wolves in sheeps clothing and are murdered in countless ways each year more perish at the hands of religious wolves. They listen to the whispers of satan and his religionists.
    Unless the Holy Spirit graps us by the neck and says ''follow Me'' just like the Saviour did, all else is insane vanity.
    THESE MEN GAMBLED on a garment and this world is a great big CASINO of gambling loosers.

    His Priest, called to Him before the foundations of the World learn here, HOW TO BE DRESS IN A SEAMLESS GARMENT just as their Saviour was dressed


    • #3
      points of interest

      Did you know that on the Vatican site, pagan temples existed there.
      the foundations are on pagan soil.

      does this really matter? like who cares?

      Well the thing now is to fully discern, is this- Is the Vatican holy church and her apostate sisters today[ all 33,000 of them] carry on paganism.
      Has the vile foundations of paganism flowed through the soil and atmosphere and then manifested out into the world as a christian religion.

      now to a compelling revelation please
      these men cast lots for this garment and they wanted to WIN it TO SEEK TO GAIN from it.
      "Casting lots causes contentions to cease, and keeps the mighty apart"
      (Prov 18:18).
      Isnt that so typical of vanity's realm to try to win something, one has not sacrificed for - to gain by gambling.
      Also , these 4 men were a part of ''the characters around the Cross''.

      can u ever imagine what would happen if the church ''found'' the robe of Jesus? would they cast lots for it do you think?


      • #4
        the robe, the garment in 1 piece.

        why is this even mentioned.
        It has been placed in the NT for a prophecy fulfillment ofcourse but what else?

        this ROBE, was NOT permitted to be torn apart by the Most Holy God.
        what does this garment represent?

        The high priest was FORBIDDEN to tear his robe.
        In Leviticus 21:10, it was forbidden for the High Priest to tear his garment
        yet look here.
        Matthew 26:65, Caiaphas, the High Priest for that year, tore his robes
        Jesus Our High Priest Now, is contrasted with the High Priest of the Law who tore his garment and would be disqualified.

        This now becomes very interesting.

        Jesus garment was NOT TORN and this fact is highlighted to be fully understood.
        Caiaphas, the High Priest disqualified himself by that torn garment of his.
        Therefore A NEW HIGH PRIEST, was introduced, bearing a NEW ORDER OF MELCHIDEZEK. The ORDER OF ENDLESS LIFE was being introduced.

        a new High Priest and His new creation Priesthood, that wears the garment of seamlessness.

        NOW Caiaphas represented a mortal high priesthood
        Yahshua, represented the IMMORTAL PRIESTHOOD.

        NOW, we can understand actually WHY HIS GARMENT WAS NOT pulled apart and torn to bits for if it had been that office would have been INVALID.

        IS IT ANY WONDER, His priests are ALIVE?


        • #5
          NOW= it gets rather interesting

          A new High Priest is On earth, without a torn garment to disqualify Him.
          The old guard has butchered itself because of DISobedience to the Law.
          so, this NEW HIGH PRIEST, with an UNTORN robe gives people His righteousness and He is going to INTERCEED to the UTTERMOST for kings and priests in His new Order, but this Order is endless and incorruptible and imperisable. So to qualify, His kings and priests have to be the exact same image as Himself.
          '' That is impossible'' most shall say.

          where is death in this place?
          yes, the old guard died, generation after generation dropped dead.

          ARE YOU IN TRAINING TO BE DIFFERENT than your peers?
          Last edited by Alive; 11-01-2010, 02:47 PM.


          • #6
            one small detail [ one BIG REVELATION]

            THE seamless garment seems like such a SMALL detail, yet, when we seek to find out, it becomes a AWESOME revelation.

            can we ask, why did these 4 soldiers cast lots for this garment?
            was it considered valuable?

            "But the tunic was without seam, woven from top to bottom." (John 19:23)
            It is the Apostle John, who pays attention to detail. why?
            I like to understand why?
            Does John introduce this small bible detail so that the NEW High Priest is introduced now to the Priesthood who shall follow after Him and whom He shall rule over.
            The Order of Melchidezek arrives.
            John writes to make SURE all those IN such an order understand all implications as John is an EYE WITNESS. He gives a FULLER story.

            I have read that this garment was ''made with EXTRAORDINARY craftmanship''
            yet this garment is NEVER mentioned till His crucification.
            I have read that a seamless garment was SPECIAL unique and valuable.

            special, unique and valuable is the Order of Melchidezek too.
            the ORDER OF LIFE.


            • #7
              THE opening up of THE WAY

              can be seen, by the priests in the seamless Garment of Yahshua.
              John, the eye witness disciple, writes about this mystery and the Holy Spirit shall enlighten the children of promise to the magnificient meanings of ''the seamless garment''.
              The weaver of the seamless garment, put GREAT SKILL into it, just as Apostle John, has written with GREAT SKILL, the revelation to the priests in the church of the Living God.
              [living in the Order of Melchidezek]

              the SEAMLESS GARMENT, is AN EXPERIENCE, HIS PRIESTS shall understand

              these priests and kings have a SEAMLESS transition into the divine Kingdom for the Most high has already MADE THEM WILLING, in the day of His power.
              these priests and kings have a SEAMLESS transition into the divine Kingdom, for they are His Pecular People.
              these priests and kings have a SEAMLESS transition into the divine kingdom for they were all choosen for the first fruit rank [translated squadron] before the foundation of the world.


              • #8
                the seamless WAY - the way.

                The WAY.
                this word translated “way” is the Greek word hodos {hod-os} and is used of a journey, but also of a course of conduct, or a way of thinking, feeling and deciding.
                a Journey
                Course of Conduct
                Way of Thinking
                Ways of feeling and deciding.

                most people debate on peripheral religious tangets never to EXPLORE THEIR PERSONAL JOURNEY, THE new ways of feeling, or thinking, that really changes their COURSE OF CONDUCT.

                TRANSFORMATION is the goal.

