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the Church of Multiplication

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  • the Church of Multiplication

    the EXAMPLE of the 5 loaves and 2 fishes.
    John 6 [written in 4 gospels]

    200 pennyworth holds the clue to multiplications.

    Jhn 6:7
    Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little.

    5000 people divided by 200 pennyworth as wages = 25.
    #25 is ''forgiveness of sins''.
    also see.

    here some news of interest.
    2 and 5 are ancient expressions for infinity.
    a denarii is a SILVER coin.
    silver has to do with REDEMPTION

    . In the Gospel of John 6:7 we see 200 denarii, also translated 200 days wages, being related to feeding 5,000 people. One denarius was a man’s wage for the day in ancient Rome. A Denarius is one tenth of one ounce of silver. If a tenth of an ounce of silver was an average daily wage today, it would be worth 100 to 200 Dollars or 1,000 to 2,000 dollars an ounce
    Golden State Mint Silver, Gold bullion rounds, Silver bars and rounds, IRA approved. Copper bullion rounds, buy at wholesale pricing direct from the mint. Live silver and gold spot prices and free shipping on all orders over $99.

    Jesus had *inside* Himself INFINITE ENERGY all because HE WAS AS ONE with His Father. [JOHN 17]
    Jesus was GOD'S ENERGY in a HUMAN FORM.

    Men draw their energy from food and water and sunlight.
    Jesus drew HIS ENERGY from His Father. He drew His energy from immortal life.

    see the difference?

    Not only did Jesus give all men A GLIMPSE of the divine HE CAME TO SHOW us HOW to ESCAPE into real life by calling Himself THE WAY.


  • #2
    2 manifestations

    we all manifest the energy of satan if WE ARE NOT REDEEMED [silver]
    some are redeemed and DRAWN INTO IMMORTAL LIFE [zoe] the LIFE Yahshua lived in - in human form by wearing HIS ENERGY robe.

    the way of LIFE garment.

    Some are trained up by the Holy Spirit to MANIFEST the divine reality of the Kingdom of God and to be LOOSED from the kingdom of vanity.

    Jesus made the WAY for some to receive His same status.
    [John 17 v 21.]
    oneness and the church of MULTIPLICATION go together.

    He will MULTIPLY HIS LIVING ENERGY into His sons who are His royal Priests and Kings under His headship forever.
    pray to become alive with the Life.


    • #3
      trained up to be a FIREBALL of divine energy in Christ


      Definition of FIREBALL
      1: a ball of fire; also
      : something resembling such a ball <the primordial fireball associated with the beginning of the universe — Scientific American>
      2: a brilliant meteor that may trail bright sparks
      3: the highly luminous cloud of vapor and dust created by a nuclear explosion
      4: a highly energetic person
      Examples of FIREBALL
      The house erupted into a fireball.
      <what this club needs is a fireball who will bring some sorely needed energy and enthusiasm>
      brillant light
      high explosion

      in the church of multiplication.

      the INNER CHANGE for an outward appearance. God IN Man.
      explosive-WITH an EXTREME MAKEOVER.

      “I am the True Vine” (John 15:1) - suggestion-GET IN under ''operation Good Shepherd''
      His multiplying energy IN us radiates out, as HIS LIFEFORCE to others.
      It is a RAY OF DIVINITY IN man.

      Vanity contains people [the world's population] with a basic level of LOW energy made from food water and sunlight - that is why they die. Vanity never contains LIFE'S energy. The Zoe energy necessary for continual divine life.
      Jesus did, even when He lived in Vanity's realm He still MAINTAINED HIS LIFE FLOW. THAT IS WHAT HIS kings and priest learn how to multiply HIS LIFE and energy. That is why He says ''I am The Vine''.

      please notice this from vanity -
      how do you feel, when someone near is depressed, anxious, sick or angry = how are you affected?
      you are affected by THEIR LOW ENERGY.
      It sucks out their life.
      vanity FEEDS ON LOW ENERGY THAT IS HOW IT CONTINUES ad nauseum. Vanity is fed by sin of sickness, depression, unbelief, doubts, lusts etc.
      This is LOW ENERGY FOOD.

      FIRBALLS OF DIVINITY in men stops vanity -that is why Yahshu's kingdom is of kings [like Himself] and Priests [like Himself] who have attained to imperishible life [like He has]
      Zoe life cannot be defeated. It is a RULING PRINCIPLE.

      Jesus did not only come to earth to die HE CAME TO BRING LIFE, over death and is a FIReBALL OF LIFE AND REVELATION to His people.


      • #4
        multiplication revelation

        you may not know this truth but everything a priest/king of God touches LIFE FLOWS OUT.

        Everywhere his feet walk LIFE-ENERGY shall flow out.
        LIFE SHALL OVERTAKE death.

        Even in training mode this happens.
        As a priest/king matures THE TRUE LIFE shall be multiplied out to others.
        Jesus did this each day during His Ministry.
        LIFE OVERCAME death as HE transmute His Divine energy information into His followers,

        sin is ''mark missing''.

        vanity is the ''mark missing realm''.

        vanity contains only ''mark missing energy''.

        ''mark missing'' is the INABILITY to ARISE AND SHINE, by having the LIGHT [divine revealings from The Father-one ness of John17 inside] and by gaining WISDOM on how to escape all ''mark missing corruptions''.
        As i write this - LIFE APPEARS - and the readers ''conscious level'' is elevated to begin to think outside the square of vanity traps.

