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TRUTH, by its very nature WANTS to be KNOWN.

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  • TRUTH, by its very nature WANTS to be KNOWN.

    BECAUSE, ONLY THE TRUTH, can make a person free.

    so here is the truth from romans .
    v(14) For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
    v(15) For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons [huiothesia] by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"
    to be LED by the Spirit of Life is how Yahshua walked and lived.
    The Holy Spirit trains up some people to live in this manner. When we walk by His spirit then and only then ''there is NO CONDEMNATION''.

    this is the truth that wants to be KNOWN that makes men really free.
    it is the CORE of the Truth - the living reality to BE IN christ Jesus.

    life in the spirit opposes all life in the flesh.

    life in the Spirit allows CHRIST TO APPEAR in us.

    life in the Spirit overcomes all things even the enemy death.

    life in the Spirit redeems people, heals people and gives them true salvation so they are NO longer slaves and no longer have personal strongholds belonging to satan within them.

    The Jewish leaders hated Jesus and plotted 11 times to kill HIM.
    The Jewish leaders threw away the key to the house of Knowledge.
    Jesus, by His Spirit changed, all of this and revealed His Father to all who can HEAR HIM and Follow Him. Jesus prayed for oneness for all who shall believe ON Him, so they too can be One with Father and His sons.

    The sons KNOW their Father.
    The Holy Spirit leads them into a state of ''no condemnation''.
    The Truth by its very nature wants to be known - it is FREEDOM'S FORCE, and when men are freed it is all because the truth forced them to be free. The lies from all manner of evil bondages was broken over these sons.

  • #2
    the truth demands our attention like gravity...

    for the seeds of truth are sown everywhere for those who seek after the truth to find.

    Clues are scattered and when found demand our attention.
    The truth will FORCE our attention upon it.
    When our attention is riveted, we begin to dig for the real treasure~!

    The truth shall cross our temporal knowledge and burst upon us and then open out so we BELIEVE IT.
    ONCE, the truth is believed no-one can go back into believing lies.

    Everyone lies,
    lies are expected
    from governments,
    from education,
    from science,
    from the law and justice and even the jury is told lies,
    from medicine,
    in religion,
    in employment,
    in marriage, etc, or,
    from every avenue in the world of vanity LIES ABOUND.

    lies hold people in personal bondages and these people are not free but bound.

    But TRUTH SHALL make away to draw atention to itself as a SEED planted into a person.

    It shall have AN IMPACT like an EXPLOSION, as a force and suddenly lies are revealed and TRUTH IS VICTORIOUS. TRUTH SAVES.
    A tsunami WAVE called truth shall appear. and a person can begin to JOIN THE DOTS into liberty.


    • #3
      Acting Upon The Truth Causes Regeneration

      it is the doing of the Word that releases us from the lies of vanity.
      faith in the doing - knowing how to walk IN the resurrection and the Life of Yahushua brings forth CHANGES.

      many religious carnal minded people profess to follow the Word but fail to regenerate into the IMAGE of Christ.
      what happens here is religion is a strong delusion, sent by God, so a person remains deluded and not regenerated.

      there is another group who find UNITY in the knowledge of truth and this bonding, sets this group free.

      Religion is DANGEROUS to the Truth. it is mans attempt to reach God and be like God.
      The truth that sets men free is the reality that JESUS SHALL DRAW MEN to Himself and the Holy Spirit shall TEACH MEN [made willing to change] how to be a divine spiritual being inside a human shell, just like Mesiah was.


      • #4
        however, there is a time limit to Truth hearing

        the truth comes to a halt AND none can find it.

        darkness cometh.
        John 9 v 4 Jesus said.
        ''Night cometh and NO man can work.''


        • #5
          vanity is a circle but TRUTH is a square-cube.

          a circle and a square.

          the circles of life in earth, as vanity, compared too
          the new Jerusalem as a square cube.

          a circle cannot become a square, just as a LIE cannot be the truth.

          the Lie has its consquences in Vanity
          the TRUTH has its consquences in the divine Kingdom.

          We have to come out from this circle of death and move into the square of the Living.

          I say, did you ever notice that this circle of the law of sin and death was simply that as the high priests would die and a new era begins in the OT priesthood.
          Yet when the square cube of the Truth appeared a NEW POWER OF a LIVING Priesthood was introduced that never dies - therefore this death circle is destroyed by the Square-cube called the Truth.

          If you care to actually take a peek at this world, most designs are in circles, circles of vanity and shaped in a circle for vanity purposes.
          Even this earth is shaped like a circle.
          Heavenly bodies are circles and generally move in circles.
          A ''living stone'' is not a circle but a foundational stone of a holy building and this building is the truth. The building up of living truth within a person is not a circle but a square-cube.

          The goal teaching of the Holy Spirit is to take a circle [ a person locked in vanity] and removed them, alive, into a square cube truth.
          Then you shall see a square overruling a circle.
          These circles of vanity need to be broken so that Truth in the shape of a square-cube can appear.

          The New Jerusalem must come to earth as a square cube.
          The circle cannot make this happen only God can make a circle into a square-cube.

          Even our beginning is a round egg - locked into a system of circles.
          It is a pattern.
          Infact this circle is a female element and not a male element.
          The female must submit to the male.
          the circle has to submit to the square cube.

          The Bride, [who made herself ready] submitted to THE TRUTH.
          WE must trust ourselves to submit to the Truth regardless of the circle's influences.


          • #6
            notice Jacobs Ladder was a square cube in shape not a circle

            Jacob learnt the truth, which made him free to do as God willed for his hour.
            Jacob ladder is a part of a lattice.
            lattice is squares upon squares [not circles.]
            truth is built up by precepts upon precepts of divine information.
            This truth reveals the divine method to exist here as a spiritual being quickened and not mortal to die in those circles of death anymore.

            This Ladder holds a mystery.
            how a circle can become a square-cube.
            The truth can OVERTURN the laws of vanity and destroy all lies.


            • #7
              ladder is a lattice, lattice is atoms and truth changes our atoms

              because our mind is changed by the truth and this new mind gives us a quickened body.

              Having the truth inserted into our mind, brings about OUR HEALING called regeneration.
              The new thought life will progressively reveal a ''quickened body''.
              sickeness [that dwells in vanity] shall become a thing of the past, as the new mind transends a person out from this circle of death.

              There is A ''GOD CODE'' and this shall manifest when we receive His truth and act upon it by allowing the rhema revelations and logos revealings as daily food to eat from the tree of Life.

              The circle of vanity has DISASSEMBLED our DNA blueprint.

              The square-cube of Truth returns us back to former glories, in spirit soul and body.
              Notice the changes in yourself as Truth appears from within.

              All former wrong attitudes, and bad ideas and behaviour fade away as Truth begins its squaring off.
              Circles of evil are broken, circles of sickeness are broken, [ it is especially wonderfull to see this happen in families where all health strongholds are broken and simply fade away.]
              The vanity circle that has stamped itself on generations of family genes is broken off and NEW LIFE can now appear.
              THIS IS CALLED LIFE ABUNDANT [John 10 v 10]

              we can ''feel'' these new DNA changes taking place if we understand what to ''look'' for.

              some signs of changes taking place from within a Believer in Christ.

              *tingling in hands and feet.
              *pain around the body, that comes and goes for no reason, especially back and shoulders.
              * feeling tired after a small workout.
              * feeling purged and knowing purging is taking place from within.
              * dizziness that comes and goes.
              *a ''feeling'' something is going on inside but not knowing what it is.

              are just a few of many changes in our DNA [that seems odd].

              other changes happen as we grow into the fullness of Christ.
              the doctors dont seem necessary any more
              the dentist is a visit of the past
              life insurance no longer a necessity
              house insurance non existant.
              yes this all is happening to His people where all old things and manner of living are fading away and there is not a FEBBLE one amongst them.


              • #8
                the new mind that CHANGES THE BRAIN.

                Vanity destroys the mind, that is why a NEW TRUE MIND has to appear.

                The old mind is totally disfunctional regarding spiritual things but wonderfully abusive to its flesh.
                the sad facts we have to face is-Not one person ever needs lessons and instructions on how to abuse their flesh and lie and do gross evil to others.

                Truth will recover a person from those abusers.
                Truth HEALS our brain and restores it back to correct functions.

                In THIS WORLD OF vanity our brain is hurting as if it has had a STROKE.
                Truth FIXES broken brains.

                the Truth [as a seed] enters our brain and then the BRAIN BEGINS TO EXPLORE the seeds of truth for itself.
                It is an amazing MEDICAL fact but THE BRAIN HEALS THE BRAIN.
                IN vanity there is an epidemic of broken brains.

                GENIUS IS ONLY FOCUSED ATENTION~! THAT IS WHY, a believer FOCUSES their attention on Yahshua and FOLLOWs Him.
                ''our minds are staid upon thee'' = spiritual genius.

                it is very interesting to gain insight here about Brain pathways called neuronal paths as the more we focus, the deeper the pathways become entrenched or developed within our mind.
                If I focuse upon ''By His stripes I am healed'' I become healed without the aid of the flesh, because the truth has healed my brain and now it can function normally and heal.
                Jesus was never sick.
                He KNEW ALREADY how to remain focused only upon His Father's will 24/7.
                His brain was not hurt but normal.
                The Brain is a muscle and has to be used so it takes our consistant efforts to RECLAIM our brain [mind] from vanity.


                • #9
                  a wheel within a wheel [ 2 circles of Ezekiel]

                  1 wheel is our inner spiritual everlasting man
                  1 wheel is our outer carnal mortal flesh man.

                  2 wheels.
                  2 circles.

                  The inner man has to be birthed out of the mortal outer flesh man [called quickened] into the square called the New Jerusalem.

                  1 wheel is a rebel being, called the carnal minded man.
                  1 wheel is a willing submited being doing ''the will of the Father'' but is TRAPPED in this outer wheel of the mortal flesh.
                  The OVERCOMING QUICKENED man, learns / is trained up to be a square called the New Jerusalem. [ a square cube]

                  Jesus Christ MAKES KNOWN, to His people the ways OF LIFE and how to become this everlasting being inhabiting New Jerusalem.

                  Part of this new creation beings experience is their FAITH, which is grown, as they HEAR the commands/words/advice of God, into the same type of faith as Messiah has. This type of Faith makes worlds. So their faith combined MAKES UP this New city called Jerusalem.


                  • #10
                    resurrection of the inner wheel into the square, called New Jerusalem

                    the church has a mis-informed concept.
                    The church cannot resurrect the pews, they die, dead in their graves.
                    A circle of death in a sea of the living dead just like the populations of OT Israel.

                    Those WHO RISE FIRST, are those people who have ASSIMILATED CHRIST.
                    ''christ formed in you'. Paul says.
                    The UPRIGHT are the righteous, the dead are horizontal.
                    THE UPRIGHT - standing forever as a pillar in New Jerusalem.

                    This circle of death is for the perishing PEOPLE or those who remain IGNORANT to the hidden Mystery of ''CHRIST IN YOU- THE HOPE OF GLORY''

                    Jesus told us...''“where I go you know, and the way you know”.

                    The book of lost memories will be restored in the land of forgetfulness (compare Malachi 3:16-17

                    His people [body] KNOW THE WAY BACK TO LIFE. [DIVINE KINGDOM LIFE that is]

                    v 16.
                    Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon His name.

                    v 17.
                    And they shall be Mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
                    The land of forgetfullness [ Ps.88 v 12]

                    Our spirit is trapped in a body that is now trapped in Vanity and it has FORGOTTEN its origins - this is wheels within wheels.
                    But TRUTH has to be ASSIMILATED daily = this only shall REGAIN OUR MEMORY and birth out a fully grown formed being in Christ.


                    • #11
                      to take direct action against the adversary

                      TRUTH takes direct action against all adversaries.

                      the truth is ACTIVE in all Believers in Christ.


                      • #12
                        made ripe to bear the fruit of Truth

                        made ripe by eating from the Tree of Life.
                        Eating The Truth and digesting it- to do it daily.

                        To Live IN Truth is ofcourse to dwell outside the living agendas of this world.
                        To live in the Brotherhood of The elect.

                        the elect receive the truth without rebellion for they have been made willing to be changed from being deceived and made ripe to bear the fruits of truth.

                        Made willing even before the foundations of this world were laid.
                        Made willing to be changed after being lowered into vanity and believing its lies.
                        Yahshua said ''get eye salve'' so we can see the truth from the lie.
                        This eye salve, now, sees the truth but without it, the lie remains.
                        The cover of lies is lifted - the veil is rent and truth appears.

                        the truth unearths the solution to our plight and mark missing endeavours.
                        the truth sets us free from limitations
                        the truth brings wisdom to know what to do.

                        the middle verse of the entire bible - the very middle verse says this.
                        Psa 118:8
                        [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
                        truth breaks our confidence in faulty man and their opinions.
                        Truth returns our confidences to Our Creator Himself in oneness.

                        ''trust in the Lord'' - few do this ofcourse because the lie is so powerfull it is considered as the truth.

                        religious men and worldy men [both are the same] say do this and do that,
                        believe this believe or that -
                        but is it the same BELIEF YAHSHUA has?
                        - that is the new covenant standard to apply not what men teach to believe but WHAT YAHSHUA teaches us to believe Like him.
                        Faulty lives [bad fruit bearers] always have a faulty belief system.
                        remember this next time some man asks u to believe them.


                        • #13
                          part 2 now the interesting thing here is

                          Jesus is the PERSON CALLED THE TRUTH.

                          also Jesus never WALKED BY HIS PERSONAL EYE SIGHT but used His spiritual eye to see what His Father wanted HIM to do - He was EXPERT at this method of living = this is DIVINE LIVING , meaning - not living in the land of noddy and slick religion and insane mens ideas - no way - it is KINGDOM LIVING AND THIS NEW WAY OF LIVING IS OUR FREEDOM.

                          truth trains us up to dwell inside SPIRITUAL EYE SIGHT and refuses to even consider the world of men.

                          what Yahushua says - we act upon and we believe and then do this belief = this means HE APPEARS IN US.
                          He comes into His temple [us] as we obey His word.

                          people dont do this - yes they have their own religious belief ofcourse but notice not one man ever has walked like Yahshua, not even one is His representive and image - dont u think this is strange?

                          2000 yrs of religious teaching has failed to reproduce the image of christ in the churched masses.
                          why is this so?

                          because each sect has failed to LEARN AND PRACTICE THE TRUTH AND WALK AS CHRIST WALKS.

                          christianity can be classed alongside all other religions as a failure to reproduce perfection in the masses.

                          how weird is this?

                          people hATE THE TRUTH - it is that simple and so they are ''pious'' to their own belief and how to reach god [ small g]


                          • #14
                            Was enlightened and blessed

                            This is one of the word I'm looking's give facts and truth about Jesus Christ life and doings.

                            I was so glad that upon reading this, it just I have time to communicate with God. And not only that, I gain something about your insights.
                            "it is very interesting to gain insight here about Brain pathways called neuronal paths as the more we focus, the deeper the pathways become entrenched or developed within our mind.
                            If I focuse upon ''By His stripes I am healed'' I become healed without the aid of the flesh, because the truth has healed my brain and now it can function normally and heal.
                            Jesus was never sick.
                            He KNEW ALREADY how to remain focused only upon His Father's will 24/7.
                            His brain was not hurt but normal.
                            The Brain is a muscle and has to be used so it takes our consistant efforts to RECLAIM our brain [mind] from vanity."

                            I almost cried this line that by strife I was healed and save. Because many people forget what was the sacrifices he offered to us.

