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DEFEND our LIGHT~! [believers in Yahushua]

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  • DEFEND our LIGHT~! [believers in Yahushua]

    energy is all around us.
    Spiritual energy we cannot see - either negative or positive.

    If a person is angry ALL their evil negative energy comes off them, and will swallow up our positive energy UNLESS we can understand how to REBUKE these spiritual uglies that try to eat from us.

    We, [as a Believer,] are to become DEFENDERS OF THE LIGHT - exactly as Jesus was.
    HE DEFENDED HIS father's will all the time by NOT doing His own will = This is HOW we actually become LIGHT AND LIFE. We follow Him. why? to become CO-HEIRS and CO-CREATORS.

    OFCOURSE Living IN vanity is a cesspool of energy, that is why people die.
    The gravity of evil surrounds this world, that is why YAHSHUA RENT this veil of spiritual negative vibes.

    Where Harmony is so is life. Jesus walked in postive energy called LIFE - LIVING LIFE ABUNDANT.
    WHERE any DIS-HARMONY IS, SO IS DEATH, despite how people talk and feel, death is their bedfellow.

  • #2

    WE STOP RENTING OUT OUR MIND TO THE ENEMY = those thought police =those demons that make us think and act like them

    ALLOW THE SON-SHINE to take captive those depressing thinking habits that persuade us to ''murder'' others with our lips and actions.

    I was on a forum today and this person JER777 called me ''arsewipe'' and I was actually pleased because i did not react as i would have done a few months ago.

    This person, did not know me yet called me this - but i knew- demons do this to people each day - disharmony lives in vanity- yet BELIEVERS GROW FROM ABOVE AND LIVE from above so that ''demons find no energy [food] from them

    STARVE out the dark forces. by not being ''moved'' by them. This is hard to do but NECESSARY to learn as we mature in Christ to give Him the glory.

