Hello all:
Hyssop brought forth a very good analogy to prove what sacrifices pictured:
Hyssop: You stated that the sacrifices were a picture of what was to come. I agree. Actually, they were a picture of who was to come: Yeshua.
As Hyssop stated, the whole process of the crucificion and his portrayal of water from the wound is indeed an actual portrayal of a burnt offering.
My purpose in the following, is not to take away from his analogy but to build (edify) upon it for the purpose of helping raise the temple (us).
Yashuah’s sacrifice completed more than the burnt offering. It also completed Passover and Atonement.
Mat gives a chronology of the days preceding Passover. According to the Passover covenant, on the tenth day of the 1st month, the lambs were selected and examined until the fourteenth. The day that Messiah entered Jerusalem on the donkey was the 10th of Nissan. He entered just before the high priest who was bringing the selected lamb into Jerusalem to the temple. That is when, every year, the people would stand next to the road with palms and say “hossanna in the Highest – Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord”. They were anticipating the coming of the Messiah.
If you will read the account, the priests were angry with Messiah because he was going on the donkey before them. Messiah said that this is the day that this is fulfilled and that “Yah would raise up stones, if necessary, to proclaim it”. He then proceeded to the temple and was EXAMINED for 4 days (off and on) before the priests, AND THEY COULD FIND NO FAULT IN HIM. THE PRIESTS ENDED UP IN LIES AND FALSE ACCUSATIONS TRYING TO FIND A BLEMISH IN THE “LAMB”.
On Passover, it was at 3:00 pm that the first lamb was killed by the priests for the Passover of the WHOLE CONGREGATION. This is precisely the hour that Messiah was crucified. The WHOLE PURPOSE YAH ORDAINED THE PASSOVER WAS FOR THIS VERY YEAR.
The second sacrifice Messiah fulfilled (completed) was Atonement. Paul in Hebrews gives the details of this in chapter 9. The word atonement means: covering, ransom, price of a life, reconciliation and PURGE. By his sacrifice, Messiah, AS HIGH PRIEST OF THE ORDER OF MELCHIZIDEC, entered into the HOLY OF HOLIES of the TABERNACLE made without hands. In other words he BEGAN (the cornerstone is always laid first) the NEW TABERNACLE which is fashioned by Yahweh, and consists of THE PROPHETS, THE APOSTLES and the “CALLED OUT ONES”. This tabernacle is contained in the temple that proceeds from Yah in Rev 21. “How much more will the blood of the Messiah, Who, through the eternal spirit offered Himself without spot to Yah, PURGE YOUR CONSCIENCE FROM DEAD WORKS to serve the living Father?”
Purge your CONSCIENCE from dead works. That is the key to understanding the sacrifices. The fault with the sacrifices of leviticus, was that, although they could forgive sin, they COULDN’T give us the Desire NOT to sin. This is what many don’t understand about Hebrews. This is what Paul was explaining.
Heb 10:1: For the Law can never with these SAME SACRIFICES, which they offer continually year by year, MAKE THOSE WHO COME NEAR PERFECT. That word “PERFECT” means: ADD WHAT IS WANTING TO RENDER A THING FULL!!!
What was WANTING is explained in verse 2: For then, would they not have CEASED to be offered? For the worshipers, once purged, would have had no more CONSCIOUSNESS of sins. (See Heb:9:14 above) The word CONSCIOUSNESS is the key to understanding Heb 10: CONSCIOUSNESS: distinguishing between good and bad, PROMPTING TO DO GOOD AND SHUN BAD!!!! Although the Priests, had they been doing their job, could have taught this “consciousness”; but the law in itself could not. That is why a RENEWED priesthood of Meschizedec was needed, because through it YAHWEH WOULD WRITE HIS LAWS IN OUR HEARTS (INNER BEING) AND MINDS, THEREBY GIVING US “THIS CONSCIOUSNESS” AND GIVING US THE DESIRE NOT TO SIN.
That is WHY we have had no LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD for 2000 years – BECAUSE THEY FAILED IN THEIR JOB. It doesn’t matter how many temples they build in Jerusalem! They, the priests, have failed and are still failing today BECAUSE OF THE STUMBLING BLOCK OF MESSIAH. THEY REFUSE TO ACCEPT HIM AND ARE SUBSEQUENTLY BLINDED (for the mercy of the gentiles who now can be grafted into Israel). WE ARE THE TEMPLE AND WE ARE TO PRESENT OUR BODIES AS LIVING SACRIFICES. WE ARE THE PRIESTS OF THE ORDER OF MELCHIZIDEC!!
Another interesting item is that in the physical priesthood at the time of the millenium neither the sacrifices of Passover or Atonement are mentioned in Ezekial.
Hello all:
Hyssop brought forth a very good analogy to prove what sacrifices pictured:
Hyssop: You stated that the sacrifices were a picture of what was to come. I agree. Actually, they were a picture of who was to come: Yeshua.
As Hyssop stated, the whole process of the crucificion and his portrayal of water from the wound is indeed an actual portrayal of a burnt offering.
My purpose in the following, is not to take away from his analogy but to build (edify) upon it for the purpose of helping raise the temple (us).
Yashuah’s sacrifice completed more than the burnt offering. It also completed Passover and Atonement.
Mat gives a chronology of the days preceding Passover. According to the Passover covenant, on the tenth day of the 1st month, the lambs were selected and examined until the fourteenth. The day that Messiah entered Jerusalem on the donkey was the 10th of Nissan. He entered just before the high priest who was bringing the selected lamb into Jerusalem to the temple. That is when, every year, the people would stand next to the road with palms and say “hossanna in the Highest – Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord”. They were anticipating the coming of the Messiah.
If you will read the account, the priests were angry with Messiah because he was going on the donkey before them. Messiah said that this is the day that this is fulfilled and that “Yah would raise up stones, if necessary, to proclaim it”. He then proceeded to the temple and was EXAMINED for 4 days (off and on) before the priests, AND THEY COULD FIND NO FAULT IN HIM. THE PRIESTS ENDED UP IN LIES AND FALSE ACCUSATIONS TRYING TO FIND A BLEMISH IN THE “LAMB”.
On Passover, it was at 3:00 pm that the first lamb was killed by the priests for the Passover of the WHOLE CONGREGATION. This is precisely the hour that Messiah was crucified. The WHOLE PURPOSE YAH ORDAINED THE PASSOVER WAS FOR THIS VERY YEAR.
The second sacrifice Messiah fulfilled (completed) was Atonement. Paul in Hebrews gives the details of this in chapter 9. The word atonement means: covering, ransom, price of a life, reconciliation and PURGE. By his sacrifice, Messiah, AS HIGH PRIEST OF THE ORDER OF MELCHIZIDEC, entered into the HOLY OF HOLIES of the TABERNACLE made without hands. In other words he BEGAN (the cornerstone is always laid first) the NEW TABERNACLE which is fashioned by Yahweh, and consists of THE PROPHETS, THE APOSTLES and the “CALLED OUT ONES”. This tabernacle is contained in the temple that proceeds from Yah in Rev 21. “How much more will the blood of the Messiah, Who, through the eternal spirit offered Himself without spot to Yah, PURGE YOUR CONSCIENCE FROM DEAD WORKS to serve the living Father?”
Purge your CONSCIENCE from dead works. That is the key to understanding the sacrifices. The fault with the sacrifices of leviticus, was that, although they could forgive sin, they COULDN’T give us the Desire NOT to sin. This is what many don’t understand about Hebrews. This is what Paul was explaining.
Heb 10:1: For the Law can never with these SAME SACRIFICES, which they offer continually year by year, MAKE THOSE WHO COME NEAR PERFECT. That word “PERFECT” means: ADD WHAT IS WANTING TO RENDER A THING FULL!!!
What was WANTING is explained in verse 2: For then, would they not have CEASED to be offered? For the worshipers, once purged, would have had no more CONSCIOUSNESS of sins. (See Heb:9:14 above) The word CONSCIOUSNESS is the key to understanding Heb 10: CONSCIOUSNESS: distinguishing between good and bad, PROMPTING TO DO GOOD AND SHUN BAD!!!! Although the Priests, had they been doing their job, could have taught this “consciousness”; but the law in itself could not. That is why a RENEWED priesthood of Meschizedec was needed, because through it YAHWEH WOULD WRITE HIS LAWS IN OUR HEARTS (INNER BEING) AND MINDS, THEREBY GIVING US “THIS CONSCIOUSNESS” AND GIVING US THE DESIRE NOT TO SIN.
That is WHY we have had no LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD for 2000 years – BECAUSE THEY FAILED IN THEIR JOB. It doesn’t matter how many temples they build in Jerusalem! They, the priests, have failed and are still failing today BECAUSE OF THE STUMBLING BLOCK OF MESSIAH. THEY REFUSE TO ACCEPT HIM AND ARE SUBSEQUENTLY BLINDED (for the mercy of the gentiles who now can be grafted into Israel). WE ARE THE TEMPLE AND WE ARE TO PRESENT OUR BODIES AS LIVING SACRIFICES. WE ARE THE PRIESTS OF THE ORDER OF MELCHIZIDEC!!
Another interesting item is that in the physical priesthood at the time of the millenium neither the sacrifices of Passover or Atonement are mentioned in Ezekial.