Forget Justifying Sin, Somebody justify my spelling!
On Sunday's lately I have been joining a friend of mine at a Traditional Christian church. I've been going because he is an old good friend of mine and one of my few friends who believes in Messiah, and the only one in town (I am not including those in A Church of G~d).
Anyways, this Church has it's good points as well. Some of the comments made make me want to yak, however the moral base is usually pretty good.
This Sunday the pastor spoke about justifying ones sin. How we will sin and make up an excuse why it 'really isn't a sin,' even though we know it is. I know I've done it, and I know I do it. Shabbat has been a good example at times for me. I'm buying something today because it's not what goes in me that defiles me, it's what comes out. Yeah, good reasoning.
So I am no better than what I realized about his statement. I looked around the church and saw all the christmas decorations. Which by the way, I can't wait for someone to wish me a Merry Christmas there. What the heck to say after that I don't know. I don't like to say thanks, I don't like to get into why I don't celebrate christmas (especially with my family) because it only offends people (but truth can do that eh?) so I think I'll start with the not so bright look or just ignore it.
Anyways - I realized that the church celebrates christmas, and more than likely, tells their children about Santa Clause. I'm not here to call them hypocytes, I'm one myself. I thought it was ironic though. I thought I would pass on a teaching - Don't justify your sin. It does no good.
So this is what I would like to stop doing.
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On Sunday's lately I have been joining a friend of mine at a Traditional Christian church. I've been going because he is an old good friend of mine and one of my few friends who believes in Messiah, and the only one in town (I am not including those in A Church of G~d).
Anyways, this Church has it's good points as well. Some of the comments made make me want to yak, however the moral base is usually pretty good.
This Sunday the pastor spoke about justifying ones sin. How we will sin and make up an excuse why it 'really isn't a sin,' even though we know it is. I know I've done it, and I know I do it. Shabbat has been a good example at times for me. I'm buying something today because it's not what goes in me that defiles me, it's what comes out. Yeah, good reasoning.
So I am no better than what I realized about his statement. I looked around the church and saw all the christmas decorations. Which by the way, I can't wait for someone to wish me a Merry Christmas there. What the heck to say after that I don't know. I don't like to say thanks, I don't like to get into why I don't celebrate christmas (especially with my family) because it only offends people (but truth can do that eh?) so I think I'll start with the not so bright look or just ignore it.
Anyways - I realized that the church celebrates christmas, and more than likely, tells their children about Santa Clause. I'm not here to call them hypocytes, I'm one myself. I thought it was ironic though. I thought I would pass on a teaching - Don't justify your sin. It does no good.
So this is what I would like to stop doing.
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