Hi Everyone,
Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!
Recently, my Brother, ImAHebrew, coined a phrase on another forum, namely:
"Shame sex marriage"
His phrase was deleted on that forum.
There is no doubt in my mind that homosexual activity is condemned in both the Old and New Testaments, and there is no doubt in my mind that such practice is sin. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise.
The practice of homosexuality has been gaining acceptance for many religious folks in many Christian denominations.
My objection to the practice of homosexuality is based upon what I have come to learn about LIFE NOW! And my objection is also based upon the fact the I am a citizen of the United States of America where I am guaranteed the freedom to hold and express my religious beliefs and to live my life according to them.
Accordingly, why should I be forced to support same sex marriage through the social security tax on my income that will be given to the survivors of same sex marriage once same sex marriage is fully recognized by the United States Government.
Male and female, husbands and wives, have the rights of survivorship benefits based upon their marriage. Why should practicing homosexuals have those same rights? Why should my tax dollars go to support the survivor of a Shame Sex Marriage?
Thanking any in advance should anyone be moved to reply, I am,
Sincerely, Latuwr
Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!
Recently, my Brother, ImAHebrew, coined a phrase on another forum, namely:
"Shame sex marriage"
His phrase was deleted on that forum.
There is no doubt in my mind that homosexual activity is condemned in both the Old and New Testaments, and there is no doubt in my mind that such practice is sin. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise.
The practice of homosexuality has been gaining acceptance for many religious folks in many Christian denominations.
My objection to the practice of homosexuality is based upon what I have come to learn about LIFE NOW! And my objection is also based upon the fact the I am a citizen of the United States of America where I am guaranteed the freedom to hold and express my religious beliefs and to live my life according to them.
Accordingly, why should I be forced to support same sex marriage through the social security tax on my income that will be given to the survivors of same sex marriage once same sex marriage is fully recognized by the United States Government.
Male and female, husbands and wives, have the rights of survivorship benefits based upon their marriage. Why should practicing homosexuals have those same rights? Why should my tax dollars go to support the survivor of a Shame Sex Marriage?
Thanking any in advance should anyone be moved to reply, I am,
Sincerely, Latuwr