Increasing Transgression
Greetings Matthew!
Please bear with me!
What you are saying is that we are guilty of Adam's sin - Therefore we have trespassed just as he did - Because this sin is imputed to us.
Now Adam did give us a Gift exactly like Messiah gave us a gift. Adam gives us sin and death, Messiah gives Eternal life. Thanks Adam. So now, you sin, you die.
Now Paul says -
If we were guilty of Adam's sin, they would have sinned in the same likeness as Adam - We would have transgressed just as Adam did.
So this is why the Law was added, to MAKE US Transgressors:
It was Added because of Transgressions - And there had only been ONE Transgression before then - It was added to create more! We actually have an entire section in the forum dedicated to this!
The explanation that you give about the increase of the transgression does not make much sense. The Law does show us we are unrighteous, and it also makes us transgressors. How many Laws do you have to break to be a transgressor? One. Now if we had been a transgressor already, there would be no reason to Add the Law for the sake of Transgressions, nor to increase the offense of Adam, because we would already have Adam's offense imputed on us.
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Greetings Matthew!
Please bear with me!
What you are saying is that we are guilty of Adam's sin - Therefore we have trespassed just as he did - Because this sin is imputed to us.
Now Adam did give us a Gift exactly like Messiah gave us a gift. Adam gives us sin and death, Messiah gives Eternal life. Thanks Adam. So now, you sin, you die.
Now Paul says -
Romans 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come.
So this is why the Law was added, to MAKE US Transgressors:
Galatians 3:19 Why the Law then? It was added because of transgressions, having been ordained through angels by the agency of a mediator, until the seed should come to whom the promise had been made.
The explanation that you give about the increase of the transgression does not make much sense. The Law does show us we are unrighteous, and it also makes us transgressors. How many Laws do you have to break to be a transgressor? One. Now if we had been a transgressor already, there would be no reason to Add the Law for the sake of Transgressions, nor to increase the offense of Adam, because we would already have Adam's offense imputed on us.
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