What exactly is this ''Elijah's Mantle''?
It is the prophetic mind of Christ fully activated within a few believers IN Christ, that Jesus MUST SEND. why?
To turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children etc.
It is a robe [mantle] upon our mind is referred to as ''let this mind BE IN YOU, that is in Christ''.
Same mind, same actions.
what is the actions of the Elijah spirit upon this world?
To show up the very sickening and very unfaithfull apostate church, parading itself as ''christian'' yet actually remains appointed for sin and death.
The Mind of Christ in a few believers
The religious carnal mindedness of all apostate clergy and their ilk.
This is the NEXT BIG STEP to remove this whore and her idols.
However, in the meantime, some very few believers are actually ''putting on the Mind of Christ'' themsleves so they think as Jesus thinkers over all things, plus, they can wear the MANTLE of Elijah themselves.
It is a very hard thing that is asked of them yet they remain in exciting times.
It is a time of LEADERSHIP transition.
A time of prophetic transition ofcourse.
A time of FULL REDEMPTION, for those believers whose carnal mind [death] has ceased to function within them. They have become THE VERY IMAGE of Christlike thinking.
Time is coming for Trumpet Judgements where God nullifies all traditional and institutional churches. Teachers from the Heavenly Government shall stand ready to birth the manchild company bearing the throne authority of The divine Kingdom. The Overcoming church shall prevail, where death runs backwards.
'''expect the best''' as
His forerunners are preparing for their stand against the wickedness of men, just like Elijah.
It is the prophetic mind of Christ fully activated within a few believers IN Christ, that Jesus MUST SEND. why?
To turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children etc.
It is a robe [mantle] upon our mind is referred to as ''let this mind BE IN YOU, that is in Christ''.
Same mind, same actions.
what is the actions of the Elijah spirit upon this world?
To show up the very sickening and very unfaithfull apostate church, parading itself as ''christian'' yet actually remains appointed for sin and death.
The Mind of Christ in a few believers
The religious carnal mindedness of all apostate clergy and their ilk.
This is the NEXT BIG STEP to remove this whore and her idols.
However, in the meantime, some very few believers are actually ''putting on the Mind of Christ'' themsleves so they think as Jesus thinkers over all things, plus, they can wear the MANTLE of Elijah themselves.
It is a very hard thing that is asked of them yet they remain in exciting times.
It is a time of LEADERSHIP transition.
A time of prophetic transition ofcourse.
A time of FULL REDEMPTION, for those believers whose carnal mind [death] has ceased to function within them. They have become THE VERY IMAGE of Christlike thinking.
Time is coming for Trumpet Judgements where God nullifies all traditional and institutional churches. Teachers from the Heavenly Government shall stand ready to birth the manchild company bearing the throne authority of The divine Kingdom. The Overcoming church shall prevail, where death runs backwards.
'''expect the best''' as
His forerunners are preparing for their stand against the wickedness of men, just like Elijah.