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Elijah's Mantle.

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  • Elijah's Mantle.

    What exactly is this ''Elijah's Mantle''?

    It is the prophetic mind of Christ fully activated within a few believers IN Christ, that Jesus MUST SEND. why?
    To turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children etc.

    It is a robe [mantle] upon our mind is referred to as ''let this mind BE IN YOU, that is in Christ''.
    Same mind, same actions.

    what is the actions of the Elijah spirit upon this world?

    To show up the very sickening and very unfaithfull apostate church, parading itself as ''christian'' yet actually remains appointed for sin and death.

    The Mind of Christ in a few believers
    The religious carnal mindedness of all apostate clergy and their ilk.

    This is the NEXT BIG STEP to remove this whore and her idols.

    However, in the meantime, some very few believers are actually ''putting on the Mind of Christ'' themsleves so they think as Jesus thinkers over all things, plus, they can wear the MANTLE of Elijah themselves.
    It is a very hard thing that is asked of them yet they remain in exciting times.

    It is a time of LEADERSHIP transition.

    A time of prophetic transition ofcourse.

    A time of FULL REDEMPTION, for those believers whose carnal mind [death] has ceased to function within them. They have become THE VERY IMAGE of Christlike thinking.

    Time is coming for Trumpet Judgements where God nullifies all traditional and institutional churches. Teachers from the Heavenly Government shall stand ready to birth the manchild company bearing the throne authority of The divine Kingdom. The Overcoming church shall prevail, where death runs backwards.

    '''expect the best''' as
    His forerunners are preparing for their stand against the wickedness of men, just like Elijah.


  • #2

    Hi Alive,

    Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

    Thank you for this topic. It has given me pause, and it has caused me to look and wonder!

    I personally believe that Messiah Yahushua is the Messiah, is also That Prophet, and is also the EliYah, the Restorer of all things, even YAHWEH!

    Messiah was sent to do the will of YAHWEH and finish HIS work. After completion, Messiah ascended. Do you have any ideas concerning the Chariot of Fire and Horses of Fire which separates Messiah from HIS Disciples. These Disciples saw Messiah ascend. Did they eventually receive a double portion of HIS spirit? What is the whirlwind, and when did it appear?

    Can we today look and see exactly like the 1st Century Disciples? In other words, can we also receive HIS Mantle? When Messiah ascended, what did Messiah leave behind?

    Thanking you in advance should you be moved to reply, I am,

    Sincerely, Latuwr


    • #3
      it is all very intriging to answer you on this complex question.

      * WHAT is the whirlwind? = the ability to enter into the true realm of the spirit and to go out from this same higher realm.
      In and out out and in.[realm changing ability]

      Jesus was able to do this ofcourse, as He dwelt in the fullness of The Spirit.
      it is called biblically ''He disappeared from their midst''.11 times He did this when threatened.
      His UNcarnal Mind co-ordinated with His -quickened body and this made HIM behave normally as a true spiritual man having a human wilderness experience.

      A believer IN Christ must follow the Lord Jesus step by step to remain alive IN Christ.
      Ofcourse many saints from the 1st century remain alive, [ and have never died] by being quickened and brought into Incorruptible life [everlasting life, Jesus preach upon] .
      Jesus is the High Priest of Incorruptible life and so as our High priest, interceeds for Zion, [the royal Priesthood, or a called out people after His name.] so they have death abolished within themselves.

      They overcame.

      They are a small remnant who follow the Lamb.

      Jesus said ''the gates of hell/grave shall not prevail agaist His church''. Life beget Life.
      The christian church is desolate.
      The church of the Living stones is florishing.
      Today many are being aligned into the ''battle of Perfecting''.


      • #4
        The Whirlwind!

        Hi Alive,

        Blessings to you through Messiah Yahushua, My YAHWEH and My ELOHIM!

        Shabbat Shalom!

        You answered:
        * WHAT is the whirlwind? = the ability to enter into the true realm of the spirit and to go out from this same higher realm.
        In and out out and in.[realm changing ability]
        Perhaps, but I am not certain here that this ability is the whirlwind. Of a certainty, HIS Believers have opportunity to change realms according to these words:

        Hebrews 10:19-22
        19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Yahushua,
        20 By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
        21 And having an high priest over the house of ELOHIM;
        22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

        And it is also certain that Messiah Yahushua had the ability to alter the natural order through HIS work to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. This is especially true of HIS ability to unite time and space in the sacrifice of HIMSELF.

        When I asked you concerning the whirlwind, I was primarily thinking of this event:

        Acts 2:1-3
        1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. (Pentecost is a High Holy Sabbath Day, please see Leviticus 23:15-21)
        2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
        3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

        And I was thinking that the Disciples became here the Horses of Fire propelling the Chariot, but I am not certain that I am correct.

        Alive, I like your pseudonym, and I like your statements concerning abiding alive in Messiah. I have not spoken with many on the net willing to state what you have just stated. Lucy Smith on another forum was the last.

        Messiah did leave us with several things. The most prominent in my mind is this:

        John 14:27
        27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

        Equally prominent is the New Commandment (please see John 13:34) and HIS Joy (please see John 15:11) and HIS Glory (please see John 17:22)

        In my mind, all these things comprise EliYah's Mantle, and THEY may also form the Chariot which carries Messiah and HIS Believers into the Holiest in the midst of the Whirlwind.

        In line with this reasoning, the Holy Spirit ITSELF is the whirlwind. If so, is this not indeed amazing that the whirlwind ITSELF is also our Comforter? In the Midwest where I reside, Tornadoes indeed have the power to change ones location in the physical realm so you may be right also. None who reside in the physical realm think of Tornadoes as being comforting, but in the spiritual, it is indeed comforting to know that we can change from doing evil to accomplishing good.

        Thanking you in advance should you be moved to reply, I am,

        Sincerely, Latuwr


        • #5

          you will meet the reilgious by their millions should you so desire.

          you will scarcely ever meet the LIVING, THEY ARE HIDDEN IN CHRIST, buried in Him.

          is it not a paradox?

          the LIVING are different.
          They smelll of peace and goodwill towards all men.

          just like The real Father cried out that night long ago ''peace on earth and goodwill to all men'' as the Saviour was birthed out.

          how funny to see the religious and believers, of all kinds and kindreds, without peace [divisional thinking] and not too much goodwill towards others.


          who has such divine attainments?


          • #6
            the whirlwind

            what is it?
            the whirlwind is a place of change for a whirlwind takes up and a whirlwind puts down.
            ascend and descend.

            Did you know, this same metaphor is INSIDE our own body. It is ALL THERE waiting to be used but who knows how to use their whirlwind?

            this whirlwind is spiritual.

            The mind of Christ and correct true thinking that allows the whirlwind to descend and ascend within us. [believers]
            The mind of Christ reproduces the SAME power of life that Yahshua walked within.
            The Believer's mind is trained up to have only LIFE-POWER and thoughts that are Kingdom Thinking.[it is a HARD THING]

            if u look at this word KING-DOM we will find the DOM means DOMINION.
            NOW, can u understand, Jesus has an Order of KINGS and of Priests who dwell in kingDOM power or the same lifepower He dwells within.

            KINGLY DOMINION is a changed mind and a new way of thinking.

            This LIFE-POWER comes up like a stream of living waters from our sola-plexis, and it radiates out IN LIFE-FORCE in about a 55ft in a circle [surrounding us].

            because this LIFE-FORCE [eternal life] is so powerfull NOTHING from vanity can live there.
            WHEN WE RESIST the devil this LIFE-POWER radiates out from our spiritual inner man, that is why he FLEES. he cannot stand LIFE.
            The LIFE MAKES DEATH flee.
            THE LIGHT OF LIFE, makes the darkness of death flee.

            Now once inside this whirlwind, a new dimension of THOUGHT LIFE occurs.
            This thought life is from The LIFE DIMENSION not from vanity dimension here.

            Elisha wanted this dimension and life force but Elijah said to him ''ye ask for a hard thing''.
            how so?

            the mind of vanity is alive in all men. Men have to be set free and subjected to kingDOM mentalities. without these KINGdom mentalities people remain in vanity and die. Death is vanity's friend.

            Jesus had such mind power life-mind-power that made HIM simply normal.
            It is all men who remain dwellingl in vanity who are insane and abnormal.

            The whirlwind comes when the race is won.
            it is the finishing line.
            THE HIGH CALLING.
            why do you think it is called a ''high'' calling - Abba is funny with His jokes.

