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Messianic Tidbits

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  • Messianic Tidbits

    Shalom Mishpochah (family),

    I somewhat envision this section of the forum as a place where the Messiah, his teachings, and prophecies concerning him can be viewed through the spectacles of Judaism. So much of Y'shua's teaching and life have deeper levels of meaning when viewed through these lenses!

    The other three sections are more strictly for Jewish insight in their respective categories.

    I have much to share in this section, and I am very excited to finally begin posting here.

    Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

    "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165

  • #2
    Y'shua once said that he was the way, the truth, and the life... and none can come unto the Father except through him.

    Now, in our americanized 20th century view we see that Y'shua is the only way, he presents pure truth, and brings life.

    Yet, there is more to this than meets the eye.

    There are 3 seperate entrances into the Temple. There is a gate that leads into the outer court, a door that leads to the holy place, and a curtain that leads to the holy of holies. In Rabbinic Judaism, there are nicknames for these three entrances. The Gate was nicknamed "The Way", the door "The Truth", and the curtain was called "The Life".

    Y'shua was the embodiment of Torah, and thusly, he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and he is the one and only path that leads us to the Holy of Holies.

    Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

    "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165


    • #3

      Amazing insight.

      Thank you, very much.
      Pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the [messiah] out of a pure heart. (II Tim 2:22)



      • #4
        There is a special peice of Matzah bread that is used during the Passover ceremony called the Afikomen. Interestingly Afikomen is Greek...
        The common Jewish meaning of this word is either dessert or entertainment. Daube questions this understanding. He even makes the statement, "The Talmudic interpretations of the word Aphiqoman are wide off the mark - maybe deliberately so." The Greek word for afikomen is aphikomenos, used in an aorist tense, and thus means "He has come."

        There is much more symbolism involved that simply the meaning of the word.

        Y'shua took this peice of bread at the passover table, and stated, "this is my body, broken for you".

        The symbolism continues in the traditions that are carried out with the Matzah itself...
        This piece of Matzah is broken in two, wrapped with a white cloth, hidden by the father of the household, sought out by the children who then receive a reward for finding this peice of Matzah, and must be eaten by the end of Pesach.

        Comparitively, Y'shua was broken, he was wrapped in a white cloth and then buried, we the Children of the Father seek him out, and when we find him, we receive a reward... eternal life.

        The final symbolism is more or less a teaching in itself. Y'shua was the embodiment of Torah. Y'shua states that we must eat of is flesh if we want to see heaven. There are many levels of Kabbalistic understanding going on here, but I'll just brush against one of them.

        If we want to see heaven we must embody the Torah, consume it, and make it the very nature of our being.

        When we do this, we have partaken of the Messiah.

        More on the passover later....
        Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha'Olam

        "Those who love Torah find great peace, and nothing can make them stumble." Tehillim 119:165


        • #5
          Originally posted by simchat_torah
          Y'shua once said that he was the way, the truth, and the life... and none can come unto the Father except through him.

          Now, in our americanized 20th century view we see that Y'shua is the only way, he presents pure truth, and brings life.

          Yet, there is more to this than meets the eye.

          There are 3 seperate entrances into the Temple. There is a gate that leads into the outer court, a door that leads to the holy place, and a curtain that leads to the holy of holies. In Rabbinic Judaism, there are nicknames for these three entrances. The Gate was nicknamed "The Way", the door "The Truth", and the curtain was called "The Life".

          Y'shua was the embodiment of Torah, and thusly, he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and he is the one and only path that leads us to the Holy of Holies.

          Although this post is quite old, it is the only other reference I have come across to the three entrances of the tabernacle/temple having these names. I heard it from my teacher, who in turn heard it from his. but there is also another aspect to this:

          First entrance, the Way: the altar and the laver. the altar representing repentance and the laver representing remission/cleansing from sin. Only thru this may we enter the second entrance, and without it we cannot, the Truth: the Menorah being the enlightenment of G`d's Word, the Table being the fellowship of the believers, and the incense being the work of prayer and devotion. It is by entering into these two that we may enter into the Life, representing our communion and fellowship with the Holy One of Blessing by walking in the Presence of His Spirit.

          "And when Israel is sinful, the Messiah seeks for mercy upon them, as it is written, "By His stripes we were healed, and He carried the sins of many; and made intercession for the transgressors."** (B'reshith Rabbah)


          • #6
            This is a really good thread.
            Please Continue with the things that you know about the temple, etc.

            i really enjoyed what i read.


            The Heart of Every Issue, Is the Issue of the Heart!


            • #7
              This also applies to the Rabbis aswell.
              They themselves are the embodiment of the Torah.

              So the Rabbis are "The way, the Truth, and the Life"

              The book of John is not to be read literally.
              So when you see that saying- it does not only mean of himself- it means that through the leadership of Israel is the only way to be recognized by G-D, to recieve forgiveness, to understand repentance to do repentance.
              Israel is the Way the truth and life.
              This is Judaism
              OBEY YE THE SOFRIM (HAKHAMIM) and the PERUSHIM for they are the only ones given right to and power to interpret scripture. DO AS THEY TELL YOU but do not do as the Colored-Rabbis and colored pharisees tell you, for they are Painted!(Matt 23:1-3)

