Greetings! I read this on another forum and thought I would post it. It's kind of interesting -
Although a common teaching, it is simply not fact that Jews (Orthodox / Rabbinic) replaced the sacrifice system with works based salvation. The truth is that every "religious" Jew (That is, one who is a keeper of mitzvos and knowlegable in Judaism) knows that nobody gets forgiveness save through the grace of HaShem. All anyone has to do is pick up a siddur (Jewish prayer book, for those that don't know) and read it. Get yourself an Artscroll "Yom Kippur Katan" siddur (Rosh Chodesh "New Moon" service) and read it. It continually talks about the fact that we can't even begin to stand before HaShem without his graces.
Why does a Jew focus so much on Mitzvos (commandments)? Becuase when you read Torah you see that HaShem focus' on them. He continually, trhough the mouth of Moses, tells us that we need to be careful to obey all of His Mitzvos. It is an everlasting covenant throughout ALL our generations.
So then the question: Why does a Jew rely on repentance, prayer and tzedakah (charity) to get forgiveness of sin? The answer is, that the Bible states that those three things brings forgiveness of sin.
Before we go to far down that road, let me say this. Every Jew and Christian know that there is nothing that we do that forgives our sin. The Torah tells us bring a sacrifice and repent. We do this (if there were a Temple) but it's not the act that forgives you. It's not the blood that brings the forgiveness. Granted G-d did tell us to do this thing, and so we're required to do so, but it's only through His grace that any sin is forgiven.
Let me show you a web site to show this.
It should be stated that I do not agree with some of the things mentioned in these articles, but it's high time "Christianity" started reading the Bible for themselves and not just listen to what their pastors are teaching them. I do, as stated before, believe in Messiah, but do not agree with Christianities views of Him. For all intents and purposes I am an orthodox Jew yet I believe in Moshiach. I daven at an Orthodox Shul, one that does not believe in Him. Why? Because Yeshua (Jesus) was an Orthodox Jew. If he was truly sinless, then he kept all the Torah. He tells us to follow his example. Paul even mentions in Acts 26 that he IS a Pharisee and never broke the commandments (Torah) or the traditions of the fathers (Oral Torah). Either he's a liar, or he's an orthodox Jew as well.
Be Well,
Although a common teaching, it is simply not fact that Jews (Orthodox / Rabbinic) replaced the sacrifice system with works based salvation. The truth is that every "religious" Jew (That is, one who is a keeper of mitzvos and knowlegable in Judaism) knows that nobody gets forgiveness save through the grace of HaShem. All anyone has to do is pick up a siddur (Jewish prayer book, for those that don't know) and read it. Get yourself an Artscroll "Yom Kippur Katan" siddur (Rosh Chodesh "New Moon" service) and read it. It continually talks about the fact that we can't even begin to stand before HaShem without his graces.
Why does a Jew focus so much on Mitzvos (commandments)? Becuase when you read Torah you see that HaShem focus' on them. He continually, trhough the mouth of Moses, tells us that we need to be careful to obey all of His Mitzvos. It is an everlasting covenant throughout ALL our generations.
So then the question: Why does a Jew rely on repentance, prayer and tzedakah (charity) to get forgiveness of sin? The answer is, that the Bible states that those three things brings forgiveness of sin.
Before we go to far down that road, let me say this. Every Jew and Christian know that there is nothing that we do that forgives our sin. The Torah tells us bring a sacrifice and repent. We do this (if there were a Temple) but it's not the act that forgives you. It's not the blood that brings the forgiveness. Granted G-d did tell us to do this thing, and so we're required to do so, but it's only through His grace that any sin is forgiven.
Let me show you a web site to show this.
It should be stated that I do not agree with some of the things mentioned in these articles, but it's high time "Christianity" started reading the Bible for themselves and not just listen to what their pastors are teaching them. I do, as stated before, believe in Messiah, but do not agree with Christianities views of Him. For all intents and purposes I am an orthodox Jew yet I believe in Moshiach. I daven at an Orthodox Shul, one that does not believe in Him. Why? Because Yeshua (Jesus) was an Orthodox Jew. If he was truly sinless, then he kept all the Torah. He tells us to follow his example. Paul even mentions in Acts 26 that he IS a Pharisee and never broke the commandments (Torah) or the traditions of the fathers (Oral Torah). Either he's a liar, or he's an orthodox Jew as well.
Be Well,